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公告 曾靖絜 - 英語學習 | 2022-09-05 | 點閱數: 160




Man Jumps Off Mount Everest

Do you know the name of the tallest mountain in the world?

In English it's called "Mount Everest".

Many people go to Nepal to see it, and many climb all the way to the top.

But one man has jumped off of Mt. Everest!

No, don't worry, he didn't die!

Pierre Carter is a man from South Africa who likes to use a paraglider and
jump off the world's tallest mountains!
來自南非的 Pierre Carter 喜歡用滑翔翼從世界上的高山跳下去。

A paraglider is like a parachute, but a paraglider is designed to help the
person fly slower to the ground.

And you can use your arms to control a paraglider so you can fly around by
catching the wind! For a short time, you can fly like a bird with a

If you want to climb to the top of Mt. Everest, it can take about two months.
But it only took Mr. Carter about 20 minutes to fly down to the bottom with
his paraglider!
攀登聖母峰頂可能需要兩個月,但是用滑翔翼只花了 20 分鐘就滑下來了!

Mr. Carter made sure that his jump off of Mount Everest with his paraglider
was safe.

He isn't just some crazy guy who likes to do crazy stuff. Mr. Carter thinks
safety is very important, so he did everything the right way.

Doing amazing things like jumping off mountains with a paraglider is cool,
but I'm happy Mr. Carter did it safely.


1. jump 跳
You can jump off the Luye Highlands to the valley. 你可以從鹿野高台跳下山谷。
Why do I want to do that? 我為什麼要那樣?
Well, you like adventure, don't you? 你喜歡冒險,不是嗎?

2. climb 爬
I like climbing up mountains. Not jumping down. 我喜歡爬上山,不是跳下來。
Climbing is tiring. 往上爬好累。

3. fly 飛
You can always try flying. 你可以試試看用飛的。
Flying from a mountain? 飛下山嗎? How? 怎麼做?
By using a glider, of course. 當然是用滑翔機囉。

4. control 控制
I don't know how to control a glider. 我不知道怎麼控制滑翔機。
It's easy. You just need some practice. 很容易的,只需要一些練習。

jump 跳
climb 爬
fly 飛
control 控制


1. What is a paraglider like?
A: A parachute
B: A scooter
C: A candy bar

2. How long did it take to fly down the mountain?
A: About two months
B: About 20 seconds
C: About 20 minutes

3. What does Mr. Carter think about safety?
A: It is very important
B: It is very boring
C: It is very stupid

1. A
2. C
3. A