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公告 曾靖絜 - 英語學習 | 2022-09-18 | 點閱數: 149




 文字稿/A Short Walk Can Keep You Healthy

 What do you usually do after you eat? Sit down and read a book? Or maybe you
take a short nap.

Well guess what? Doctors say taking a short walk after eating helps your body
control your blood sugar.

When most people think about sugar, they think about candy or ice cream or
cake. Sweet things have lots of sugar in them, right?

Well, actually, many foods have sugar in them. There is sugar in milk, in
tomatoes, in carrots, and even in onions!

Sugar from food gives us energy. We need sugar. But too much sugar can be bad
for our blood.

Too much sugar in your blood can give you diabetes.
"Diabetes" 就是糖尿病,太多糖很容易造成糖尿病。

Doctors say people should take a short walk after eating, because it will
help control their blood sugar.

Doctors say you only need a short walk, it could be only 2 minutes! Just 2
minutes of walking around after you eat can help you stay healthy.

I think I'm going to try it! I'm going to take a 2-minute walk after I finish
my lunch today!


1. control 控制
I'd love to walk around after lunch. 我很樂意吃過午飯後走走。
But sometimes I can't control work. 但有時候我沒辦法控制工作。
I can't control my life. 我還沒辦法控制人生呢。

2. minute 分鐘
Besides, it only takes 2 minutes. 而且只需要兩分鐘。
Right, I can at least stand up for 2 minutes. 對,至少我可以站起來兩分鐘。

3. blood 血液
What did your doctor say? 妳的醫生怎麼說?
He will take my blood first. 他會先抽血。
And run some tests. 然後做一些檢驗。

4. healthy 健康的
Don't worry. You're strong and healthy. 別擔心,你很健康強壯。
I'm only worried if I can still climb Jade Mountain.

So let's get up and walk! 來讀讀單字。
control 控制
minute 分鐘
blood 血液
healthy 健康的


1. What is a good idea after eating?
A: Jumping on the bed
B: Swimming in Sun Moon Lake
C: Talking a short walk

2. What does sugar do for our body?
A: It gives us energy
B: It makes us cry
C: It makes us hungry

3. How long do you need to walk after eating?
A: Maybe just 2 minutes
B: Maybe 4 or 5 hours
C: About 90 minutes