發布於 2024-04-01
Scarves Warm Hearts
Something wonderful happens in cities in Canada and the U.S. every year. It
started long ago with a surprise! On a very cold day in a Canadian city,
fourteen statues of great heroes... wore scarves?!
每一年冬天,加拿大跟美國很多城市都會發生... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-04-02
Tea Leaves Can Clean Water
Black tea! Green tea! Bubble tea! Tea shops are everywhere in Taiwan! Many of
us drink a lot of tea. Do you?
紅茶、綠茶、珍珠奶茶! 台灣到處都有飲料店,我們喝掉很多茶。
We buy about one billion cups of bubble tea every year in Taiwan. We us... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-03-29
Best Friend Saves Man from Icy Lake
Narrator: One snowy winter day, a man and his dog Ruby hiked to a lake. The
weather was so cold that the lake water was frozen! They walked on the ice.
一個下雪的日子,一位男子跟他的狗狗 Ruby 爬山去了一個湖。天氣冷到湖面都結冰了,他們直接走在湖面上。
... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-03-28
Out of Gas But Unstoppable
People love ordering food online. Food delivery drivers are busy! In India,
one delivery driver uses his scooter to deliver food orders. But one day, it
needed gas. He went to the gas station.
人們喜歡線上點餐,讓外送員都很忙碌。印度... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-03-27
Hermit Crabs Reuse Our Trash
Why is that plastic bottle cap moving? Oh! A hermit crab is using it as a
怎麼有塑膠瓶蓋在移動呢? 原來有寄居蟹把它當作外殼!
Hermit crabs don't have their own shells. But they need one to live. Most
hermit crabs use sea snail... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-01-16
Good Health and Well-BeingGender EqualityLife on LandPartnerships for the GoalsGender Equality EducationFamily EducationCharacter EducationLife EducationMulticultural EducationOutdoor EducationInternational EducationSocial StudiesHealth and Physical EducationIntegrative Activities
... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-01-17
Clean Water and SanitationResponsible Consumption and ProductionClimate ActionLife Below WaterLife on LandEnvironmental EducationMarine EducationOutdoor EducationNatural SciencesHealth and Physical Education
These Superhero Fish Lizards Need O... 觀看完整文章
發布於 2024-01-18
Life on LandNatural SciencesInternational Education
Who's That Chicken in the Mirror?
Humans are very smart. When we look in a mirror, we don't see someone else!
We know we're looking at ourselves.
Elep... 觀看完整文章