

2023-05-29 轉知 「中華民國113年(西元2024年)政府行政機關辦公日曆表」 (蕭夙君 / 73 / 人事室)
2023-05-29 轉知 修正「政府機關調整上班日期處理要點」第四點、第五點,並自112年5月25日生效 (蕭夙君 / 96 / 人事室)
2023-05-25 轉知 全國公教員工旅遊平安卡優惠方案,112年至115年經公開徵選由富邦產物保險股份有限公司承作 (蕭夙君 / 107 / 人事室)
2023-05-23 轉知 內政部112年「愛情從心開始」單身聯誼活動,第1-4梯次訂於112年5月22日至5月31日受理報名 (蕭夙君 / 92 / 人事室)
2023-05-23 宣導 臺南市政府警察局反詐宣導 (蕭夙君 / 107 / 人事室)
2023-05-23 宣導 第十六屆總統副總統及第十一屆立法委員選舉反賄選宣導 (蕭夙君 / 145 / 人事室)
2023-05-10 轉知 公務人員疫情期間申請延長婚假實施期限者,至遲應於1130430(含)以前請畢婚假 (蕭夙君 / 139 / 人事室)
2023-05-10 轉知 自疫情指揮中心解編日起之教師及公務人員出國規定 (蕭夙君 / 130 / 人事室)
2023-05-10 宣導 疫苗接種假及及無症狀或輕症確診個案解除隔離治療後再進行7天居家隔離期間請防疫隔離假自1120501起停止適用 (蕭夙君 / 136 / 人事室)
2023-04-12 宣導 本市112年「戀在鹿耳門‧月老牽良緣─521我愛伊」單身聯誼活動即日起至4月26日受理報名 (蕭夙君 / 130 / 人事室)
未知: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/class/libraries/vendor/xoops/xmf/src/Request.php 列 119
未知: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/class/libraries/vendor/xoops/xmf/src/Request.php 列 119
0.000245 - SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1
0.000982 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
0.000575 - SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM session WHERE sess_id = 'hlpdhb45a0s05ludigomm82v3k'
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0.000824 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '21') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
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0.000419 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '5') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
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0.000283 - SELECT * FROM banner LIMIT 2, 1
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0.000479 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
0.002279 - SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (3)
0.001996 - SELECT b.* FROM newblocks b, block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id IN (0,21) AND b.bid IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,18,15,19,56,141,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,79,132,84,135,92,159,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,142,58,59,120,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,158,144,147,148,149,150,157,155,152,160,161,162,194,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,193,196,200,201,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,218,217,219,220,216,221,222) ORDER BY b.weight, m.block_id
0.000600 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'system_block_dummy.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid
0.000574 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tad_idioms_show.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid
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0.000737 - SELECT `mid`, `name`, `dirname` FROM `modules` WHERE `isactive` = 1 AND `hasmain` = 1 AND `weight` != 0 ORDER BY `weight`
0.000422 - SELECT * FROM modules WHERE dirname = 'tad_blocks'
0.000333 - SELECT * FROM modules WHERE dirname = 'tad_themes'
0.000477 - SELECT `conf_value` FROM `config` WHERE `conf_title` = '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE'
0.000296 - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `priv_msgs` WHERE `to_userid` = 0 AND `read_msg`=0 GROUP BY `to_userid`
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0.000279 - SELECT `menuid`, `itemname`, `itemurl`, `target`, `icon`, `link_cate_name`, `link_cate_sn`, `read_group` FROM `tad_themes_menu` WHERE `of_level` = '90' AND `status` = '1' ORDER BY `position`
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0.000345 - SELECT * FROM modules WHERE dirname = 'tn_login'
0.000591 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '51') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
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0.000303 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups`
0.000327 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news_cate` WHERE 1 and not_news!='1' and `ncsn` = '10' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.000292 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups`
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0.004624 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7474' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.004690 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7445' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.005018 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7444' order by sort
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0.004506 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7444' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.005135 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7405' order by sort
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0.004678 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7405' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.004898 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7404' order by sort
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0.000300 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups`
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0.004718 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7404' ORDER BY `sort`
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0.005079 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7403' order by sort
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0.000300 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups`
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0.004573 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='7403' ORDER BY `sort`
0.000831 - desc `tadnews_data_center` `sort`
0.000347 - select `col_sn`,`data_name`,`data_sort`, `data_value` from `tadnews_data_center` where `mid`= '21' and `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7330' order by `sort` , `data_sort`
0.004836 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='7330' order by sort
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0.000347 - SELECT `tt_theme`,`tt_use_bootstrap`,`tt_bootstrap_color`,`tt_theme_kind` FROM `tadtools_setup` WHERE `tt_theme` = 'school2013'
0.000644 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tadnews_index.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid
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