一、依據本市 112 學年度國民中小學學生學習扶助整體行政推動計畫辦理。
(一)時間: 113 年 2 月 1 日(星期四)、 113 年 2 月 2 日(星期五)及 113 年 2 月 5 日(星期一),共 3 日。
(四)報名方式:請網址填寫 Google 表單報名( https://forms.gle/m1K294bfVVJGsxkG7 ),填報時間自 112 年 12 月 25 日 8 時起至 112 年 12 月 31 日中午 12 時止。
1、本場次研習預計錄取 99 名:國文組(正取 40 名、備取 20 名)、數學組(正取 40 名、備取 20 名)、英文組(正取 19 名、備取 10 名),依報名時間與優先志願依序錄取, 113 年 1 月 12 日(星期五)前公告錄取及備取名單於大港國小校網( https://www.takes.tn.edu.tw/),凡經錄取請依報到時間準時出席簽到, 8 時報到截止後將統計缺額由備取人員依序遞補,請務必準時報到。
2、備取人員若有意願請於 2 月 1 日當日 8 時前至現場等候,正取人員報到截止後依備取順序遞補至總人數 99 名額滿為止;正取人員若於 8 時後到達,順位移至備取名單後,依到達時間排序。
錯誤訊息 |
通知: Undefined offset: 5 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/modules/tadnews/blocks/tadnews_page_list.php 列 48 |
通知: Undefined offset: 6 在檔案中的第 /home/matrix/public_html/modules/tadnews/blocks/tadnews_page_list.php 列 49 |
通知: Undefined index: 在檔案中的第 /home/nsps_www/xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/a8c817d6_tadnews_school2019_default^10c5f570d97999bf57c4e8f48c8d3287ef34df97_0.file.theme.tpl.php 列 427 |
已棄用 |
資料庫語法 |
0.000233 - SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1 |
0.000786 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.000520 - SELECT sess_data, sess_ip FROM session WHERE sess_id = '3p2ppmlhbi3evpferbo5q2uqbm' |
0.000581 - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_permission WHERE (`gperm_modid` = '1' AND (`gperm_groupid` = '3') AND `gperm_name` = 'module_read' AND `gperm_itemid` = '21') |
0.000369 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '21') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.000431 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '4') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.000341 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '5') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.000354 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '0' AND `conf_catid` = '3') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.001047 - SELECT DISTINCT gperm_itemid FROM group_permission WHERE gperm_name = 'block_read' AND gperm_modid = 1 AND gperm_groupid IN (3) |
0.001077 - SELECT b.* FROM newblocks b, block_module_link m WHERE m.block_id=b.bid AND b.isactive=1 AND b.visible=1 AND m.module_id IN (0,21) AND b.bid IN (168,162,136,135,153,149,111,110,109,108,107,124,106,159,104,103,102,101,113,100,143,116,115,91,90,89,88,87,86,84,83,78,148,127,126,75,74,66,152,151,150,142,141,140,139,70,69,68,67,65,64,63,62,61,60,59,57,56,144,125,19,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,166,165,164,155,163,157,18,16,15,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,204,203,202,201,200,199,198,197,176,177,178,179,180,181,167,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,205,206,207,208,209,210,212,213) ORDER BY b.weight, m.block_id |
0.000993 - SELECT cfgname, cfgvalue FROM logcounterx_cfg |
0.000865 - DELETE FROM logcounterx_ip WHERE acctime < 1741833491 |
0.000410 - SELECT accip FROM logcounterx_ip WHERE accip = '' |
0.003363 - INSERT INTO logcounterx_ip (accip, acctime) VALUES ('', 1741834091) |
0.002980 - UPDATE logcounterx_count SET cnt = (cnt + 1), robot = (robot + 1) WHERE ymd = '1111-11-11' |
0.000558 - SELECT cnt FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd = '2025/03/13' |
0.004480 - UPDATE logcounterx_count SET cnt = (cnt + 1), robot = (robot + 1) WHERE ymd = '2025/03/13' |
0.002643 - UPDATE logcounterx_hours SET cnt = (cnt + 1), robot = (robot + 1) WHERE hour = '10' |
0.000859 - SELECT cnt FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd = '1111-11-11' |
0.003430 - INSERT INTO logcounterx_log (remote_host, user_agent, path_info, referer, acccnt, uname, accday, acctime, accwday) VALUES ('', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', '/~nsps_www/modules/tadnews/index.php?ncsn=13&nsn=3841', '', 1260827, '', '2025-03-13', '10:48:11', '4') |
0.008455 - SELECT MAX(acccnt), COUNT(recid) FROM logcounterx_log |
0.000521 - SELECT * FROM config WHERE (`conf_modid` = '16') ORDER BY conf_order ASC |
0.000962 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tad_login.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid |
0.000705 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'system_block_dummy.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid |
0.000734 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tadnews_block_page_list.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid |
0.000485 - SELECT cfgname, cfgvalue FROM logcounterx_cfg |
0.000311 - SELECT cnt FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd = '2025-03-13' |
0.000230 - SELECT cnt FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd = '2025-03-12' |
0.000357 - SELECT sum(cnt) as CNT FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd >= '2025-03-09' |
0.001809 - SELECT sum(cnt) as CNT FROM logcounterx_count WHERE (ymd like '2025-03-%') OR (ymd like '2025/03/%') |
0.000451 - SELECT cnt FROM logcounterx_count WHERE (ymd = '1111-11-11') OR (ymd = '1111/11/11') |
0.001429 - SELECT count(ymd) AS DAYS, sum(cnt) as CNT FROM logcounterx_count WHERE ymd > '1111-11-11' |
0.000416 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'lcx_block_display.html') ORDER BY tpl_refid |
0.000717 - SELECT `conf_value` FROM `config` WHERE `conf_name` = 'allow_register' |
0.000421 - SELECT `mid`, `name`, `dirname` FROM `modules` WHERE `isactive` = 1 AND `hasmain` = 1 AND `weight` != 0 ORDER BY `weight` |
0.000435 - SELECT `conf_value` FROM `config` WHERE `conf_title` = '_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE' |
0.000499 - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `priv_msgs` WHERE `to_userid` = 0 AND `read_msg`=0 GROUP BY `to_userid` |
0.001409 - SELECT `menuid`, `itemname`, `itemurl`, `target`, `icon`, `link_cate_name`, `link_cate_sn`, `read_group`, `of_level` FROM `tad_themes_menu` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `of_level`, `position` |
0.000330 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news_cate` WHERE 1 and not_news!='1' and ncsn='13' ORDER BY `sort` |
0.000316 - select * from tad_news where 1 and nsn='3841' and `ncsn` = '13' and start_day < '2025-03-13 10:48:11' and (end_day > '2025-03-13 10:48:11' or end_day='0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by always_top desc , start_day desc |
0.000385 - select * from tad_news where 1 and nsn='3841' and `ncsn` = '13' and start_day < '2025-03-13 10:48:11' and (end_day > '2025-03-13 10:48:11' or end_day='0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by always_top desc , start_day desc LIMIT 0, 1 |
0.000941 - SELECT `tag_sn`, `font_color`, `color`, `tag` FROM `tad_news_tags` |
0.001588 - desc `tadnews_data_center` `sort` |
0.000565 - select `col_sn`,`data_name`,`data_sort`, `data_value` from `tadnews_data_center` where `mid`= '21' and `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='3841' order by `sort` , `data_sort` |
0.005502 - select * from `tadnews_files_center` where `col_name`='nsn' and `col_sn`='3841' order by sort |
0.001114 - SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = '406' |
0.000379 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news` WHERE `nsn` = 3841 |
0.000623 - SELECT `groupid`,`name` FROM `groups` |
0.005243 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='3841' ORDER BY `sort` |
0.005319 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='3841' ORDER BY `sort` |
0.005457 - SELECT * FROM `tadnews_files_center` WHERE `col_name`='news_pic' AND `col_sn`='3841' ORDER BY `sort` |
0.000547 - SELECT * FROM `tad_news` WHERE `nsn` = 3841 |
0.010925 - select a.nsn, a.news_title, a.start_day, a.enable_group, a.ncsn, b.enable_group from tad_news as a left join tad_news_cate as b on a.ncsn=b.ncsn where (a.start_day < '2023-12-08 14:21:00' or a.nsn < '3841') and b.not_news='0' and a.start_day < '2025-03-13 10:48:11' and (a.end_day > '2025-03-13 10:48:11' or a.end_day = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by a.start_day desc, a.nsn desc limit 0,1 |
0.009172 - select a.nsn, a.news_title, a.start_day, a.enable_group, a.ncsn, b.enable_group from tad_news as a left join tad_news_cate as b on a.ncsn=b.ncsn where (a.start_day > '2023-12-08 14:21:00' or a.nsn > '3841') and b.not_news='0' and a.start_day < '2025-03-13 10:48:11' and (a.end_day > '2025-03-13 10:48:11' or a.end_day = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by a.start_day , a.nsn limit 0,1 |
0.000920 - SELECT * FROM smiles |
0.000816 - SELECT `tt_theme`,`tt_use_bootstrap`,`tt_bootstrap_color`,`tt_theme_kind` FROM `tadtools_setup` WHERE `tt_theme` = 'school2019' |
0.000567 - SELECT f.*, s.tpl_source FROM tplfile f LEFT JOIN tplsource s ON s.tpl_id=f.tpl_id WHERE (`tpl_tplset` = 'default' AND `tpl_file` = 'tadnews_index.tpl') ORDER BY tpl_refid |
總計: 57 |
區塊 | |
紀錄區塊: 沒有快取 | |
快速登入: 沒有快取 | |
自訂區塊(HTML): 沒有快取 | |
自訂區塊: 沒有快取 | |
自訂區塊(HTML): 沒有快取 | |
自訂頁面列表: 沒有快取 | |
計數器: 沒有快取 | |
自訂區塊(HTML): 沒有快取 | |
總計: 8 |
額外資訊 | |
包含檔案: 230 檔案 | |
使用記憶體: 2589136 bytes |
計時 | |
XOOPS 使用 0.241 秒來載入。 | |
XOOPS Boot 使用 0.015 秒來載入。 | |
Module init 使用 0.003 秒來載入。 | |
XOOPS output init 使用 0.094 秒來載入。 | |
Module display 使用 0.074 秒來載入。 | |
Page rendering 使用 0.055 秒來載入。 |