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menu / 2024-08-26 / Count: 97

Tel: +886-6-6852067, ext. 100    Email:
Director of Academic Affairs
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.101
Director of Student Affairs
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.201
Director of General Affairs
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.501
Director of Counseling office
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.301
Section Chief of Curriculum
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.102
Section Chief of Registrar
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.103
Section Chief of Equipment
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.104
Section Chief of Student Activities
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.202
Section Chief of Discipline
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.203
Section Chief of Physical Education and Hygiene
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.205
Section Chief of Guidance and Counseling
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.302
Section Chief of Data
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.303
Section Chief of Documentation
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.502
Section Chief of Cashier
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.503
Section Chief of General Affairs
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.504
Director of Personnel
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.506
Director of Accounting
Tel: +886-6-6852067,ext.507