

公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-10-19 | 點閱數: 222
發布於 2023-10-13 Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesLife on LandEnvironmental EducationLife EducationMulticultural EducationInternational EducationSocial Studies ________________________________ More Important Old Places Protected People are amazing. We live all over the world, in hot jungl... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 教務處 | 2023-09-27 | 點閱數: 73
112 學年度原住民知識擂台賽校內初選結果: 五位選手入選: 1.五甲林聖桓 2.五丙:張柏硯 3.五甲:程乃玉 4.五乙:月子茵 5.五丙:葉予喧  
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 237
發布於 2023-09-20 Responsible Consumption and ProductionClimate ActionLife on LandIndustry, Innovation and InfrastructureTechnology ________________________________ A Robot Sweats to Help People Oh, it's hot! Hot weather makes us sweat. Sweat comes out on our faces, under our arms, and on ... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 226
發布於 2023-09-19 Quality EducationGood Health and Well-BeingReduced InequalitiesLife on LandFamily EducationIndigenous EducationCharacter EducationLife EducationMulticultural EducationInternational EducationSocial StudiesArts ________________________________ Taiwan Can Sing! Oh, hello, eve... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 264
發布於 2023-09-18 Life on LandReduced InequalitiesQuality EducationReading Literacy EducationLife Education ________________________________ Barbershops Stop Boredom with Books Barbers cut people's hair. They work in barbershops. Many people like barbershops. They talk with the barber. T... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 215
發布於 2023-09-15 Good Health and Well-Being Life on Land Environmental Education Life Education Outdoor Education International Education Health and Physical Education Natural Sciences ________________________________ Massages Help Elephants Move In the UK, the... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 145
發布於 2023-09-14 Natural Sciences Outdoor Education Life Education Environmental Education Life on Land Life Below Water Climate Action Responsible Consumption and Production Clean Water and Sanitation ________________________________ This Shop Turns Into a Turtle ... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-07 | 點閱數: 166
發布於 2023-08-30 Life on LandGender Equality EducationHuman Rights EducationCharacter EducationLife EducationSocial Studies ________________________________ Superhero Kids Are Saving the Earth The Earth needs a lot of help. Who can help? One man says kids can help the Earth! 有個人說小朋友可以幫助地球... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-07 | 點閱數: 281
發布於 2023-08-31 Climate ActionLife on LandEnvironmental EducationOutdoor EducationNatural Sciences ________________________________ Scientist Studies Hippie Monkeys for 40 Years Do you like animals? Cats? Dogs? How about... monkeys? One scientist likes northern muriqui monkeys. She lik... 觀看完整文章
公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-07 | 點閱數: 185
發布於 2023-09-01 Responsible Consumption and ProductionLife on LandEnvironmental EducationLife EducationArts ________________________________ Yangmingshan Has Music! Yangmingshan National Park is in Taipei and New Taipei City. It's beautiful! It has many mountains. There are waterfalls an... 觀看完整文章