公告 蔡雅如 - 英語學習 | 2023-09-20 | 點閱數: 146

發布於 2023-09-14

Natural Sciences

Outdoor Education

Life Education

Environmental Education

Life on Land

Life Below Water

Climate Action

Responsible Consumption and Production

Clean Water and Sanitation


This Shop Turns Into a Turtle Tunnel

Many turtles live in a pond. There's a busy street next to the pond. Every

summer, female turtles cross the street.


There's a shop across the street. Some turtles walk into the shop. What?! Why?


They want to go to a wet, grassy marsh. It's great for turtle nests. It's

behind the shop. 因為那間店的後方有一片沼澤,適合烏龜棲息。

The shop workers are kind. They open the front door and back door all day.

The shop turns into a turtle tunnel! The turtles in the shop can walk to the

marsh. 店員會把前後門打開,讓這些烏龜能夠直接走到沼澤。

Every fall, baby turtles come from the marsh. Some walk into the shop.

They're the size of NT$10 coins. The workers walk very carefully! They pick

up the turtles.


The turtles want to go to the pond. But the busy street is bad for baby

turtles. Drivers cannot see them. So the workers take them across the street.

They put the baby turtles down by the pond.


Pond to marsh, marsh to pond: that's what the turtles want. The kind workers

help the turtles safely go where they want. Great job, workers! Go, turtles!




1. pond 池塘

Isn't this a perfect spot for a summer picnic? 這可不是夏日野餐的完美地點?

The pond, the grass, and it's all so quiet. 有池塘,草地,而且這麼安靜。

2. carefully 小心的

Yeah, but what about mosquitoes and the heat? 是沒錯,但是蚊子跟熱氣呢?

It couldn't be that bad. 不會那麼糟的。

I'll plan carefully. 我會有縝密計畫。

3. next to 在旁邊

We can come here in the late afternoon. 我們可以下午晚一點來。

I'll bring bug spray. 我會帶防蚊噴液。

And we can sit next to this big tree.我們可以坐在這棵大樹旁邊。

4. want 想要

Yeah. 對啊!

Oh, I'm so excited! 我好興奮。

I want to invite everyone in my family to the picnic! 我要邀請所有家人來野餐!




next to在旁邊





1. Where do the female turtles want to go?

a. the pond

b. the shop

c. the marsh

2. Where do the baby turtles want to go?

a. the pond

b. the shop

c. the marsh

3. Why is the street bad for baby turtles?

a. Drivers pick them up.

b. Drivers cannot see them.

c. Drivers can see them.


1. c

2. a

3. b