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公告 曾靖絜 - 英語學習 | 2023-06-12 | 點閱數: 133


I'm at an arcade!

They have lots of driving games! But they make me carsick.

Look! Over there! They have fighting games! Ugh… they're too scary for me!

I know! I'm going over there to the claw machines!

Do you know what a claw machine is? Taiwan has lots!

A claw machine looks like a big glass box. There's always a prize in it! The
prize can be a toy, candy, or sometimes something expensive! Players can win
a cell phone from some claw machines!

To win a prize, a player picks it up with a claw. The claw is a metal robot
hand. Picking up the prize sounds easy doesn't it? But it's very hard!

A boy played a claw machine. But he didn't win. What did he do then? He
climbed inside it. He wanted to take the prize!

But then the boy got stuck in the claw machine!

Some people got him out safely. But now he cannot play that claw machine for
one whole year!

Hmm… I want a prize too. But I won't climb inside! I'll play the right way…
wish me luck!


1. prize 獎品
Wait, I want to play this one. 等一下,我要玩這個。
You're such a child, Paz. 你真是個小孩。
Look at all these prizes. 你看這些獎品。
They are so much fun! 都很好玩呢。

2. toy 玩具
They are just cheap toys. 它們都只是些便宜玩具。
You're not still playing with toys, are you? 你沒有在玩玩具了吧?

3. pick up 撿起來
I am. And I like cheap toys. 我有,我喜歡便宜玩具。
Now I have to pick up this car. 現在我一定要夾這個汽車。

4. over there 在那裏
Oh no! Why is it so hard? 糟糕,怎麼這麼難?
Come on. Let me buy you ice cream at the store over there.

prize 獎品
toy 玩具
pick up 撿起來
over there 在那裏


1. What does a claw machine look like?
A: A driving game
B: Some candy
C: A big glass box

2. What is always inside a claw machine?
A: A boy
B: A prize
C: An arcade

3. When can the boy play the claw machine again?
A: One week
B: One month
C: One year