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黃致元 - 本站消息 | 2024-07-09 | 點閱數: 13

 About Us

Our school was founded in the first year of Taisho era (1912) during the Japanese colonial period, and it has a history of over a hundred years. Our school is located in Daine District, Tainan City, bordered by Liujia District to the north, Guantian District and Shanhua District to the west, Shanshang District to the south, and intersecting with Yujing District and Nanxi District at the Wu Mountain Range to the east. The winding Zengwen River flows through this area, marking the boundary between the mountainous region and the Chianan Plain. The area is surrounded by mountains and was once the relocation site of the four major indigenous tribes, including the Dawu Community, Xilaya Community, and Jiaoba Community. Later, the Pingpu people of the four major tribes moved here, and the Han people began to develop the area during the Kangxi era of the Qing Dynasty. Many traditional customs and cultural relics have been preserved in the area, such as the Dawulong Public Office, Yang Family Ancestral House, and Daine Shrine. In terms of geography and resources, the area presents a different landscape with changing seasons. The white chalk terrain, winding Zengwen River, and pot-shaped cave formations are stunning. The local agricultural production and landscape changes are closely related, producing various fruits and earning the area a reputation as the "Sweetness Township" in the past.

As a small and remote school in the center of the Dainei district, the local economy is mostly agricultural, with a large proportion of the population engaged in farming. Due to limited job opportunities, most young adults seek employment or settle elsewhere, resulting in a higher proportion of elderly residents. As a result, knowledge acquisition, as well as the development of concepts and abilities, plays an important role in the growth process of students, and the school education is relied upon and trusted by parents to a higher degree. Therefore, even with limited resources, the school demonstrates great vitality and innovation, develops a school-based curriculum, improves teaching environment and equipment, actively seeks external resources, provides quality education, and cultivates excellent students with diverse abilities and highlights! Approximately 40% of the students come from disadvantaged families.



Year 1912, April 17: Founded as the Neizhuang Branch School of Liujia Public School.

Year 1917, April 10: Upgraded to Neizhuang Public School.

Year 1920, September 1: Became independent as Dainei Public School, serving a district of six villages: Dainei, Neiguo, Neijiang, Shilin, Shicheng, and Shihu.

Year 1921, April 24: Established a separation classroom in Toushe.

Year 1923, April 23: Renamed Toushe Separation Classroom to Toushe Teaching Field.

Year 1938, February 11: Established a shrine on campus.

Year 1941, April 1: Renamed Dainei National School.

Year 1945, October 15: Renamed Dainei Township First National School.

Year 1946, September 1: The shrine on campus was removed.

Year 1947, January 16: Renamed Dainei Township Dainei National School.

Year 1968, September 25: Started providing nutritious lunches.

Year 1999, August 1: Added Wutou Branch School and Wutou'ou Branch School.

Year 2002, May 6: Renovated the children's library.

Year 2002, July 26: Started construction of a comprehensive sports field and game equipment.

Year 2012, April 17: Celebrated the school's centennial anniversary.

Year 2014, January 2: Demolished the school building of Mingshan class at the former affiliated Toushe Elementary School.

Year 2014, April 14: Completed reinforcement work on the old C building.

Year 2014, September 26: Completed the comprehensive sports field renovation project at Toushe Branch School.

Year 2015, February 2: Completed the demolition of the old D building.

Year 2015, February 12: Discontinued the school's self-operated lunch kitchen and switched to the central kitchen at Shanhua Datong Elementary School.

Year 2018, November 27: Completed construction of a new wind and rain playground.


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