1️⃣ 烹調食物前、餐前便後應確實洗手
2️⃣ 生熟食分開處理,存放冰箱時應以保鮮膜包裹或使用個別保鮮盒等方式分開儲放,再次食用前應加熱煮熟
Where is Salmonella found? Don’t worry, the food compatibility chart has the answer! Salmonella can be found on eggs, milk, and meat products, and if not stored properly, it can multiply rapidly. Infants, the elderly, or those with weakened immune systems should be especially cautious!!
1️⃣ Wash your hands thoroughly before cooking, before meals, and after using the restroom.
2️⃣ Separate raw and cooked foods, and when storing in the refrigerator, wrap them in plastic wrap or use separate containers. Reheat thoroughly before consuming again.
Eat safely and take care of your digestive system, so you can stay healthy for a long time~
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