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許培恩 - History | 2024-09-13 | 點閱數: 3

The Seed School of Information Technology
    Being a seed school of Information Technology , we have lead our school a great teamwork to develop innovative curriculum, create platforms and education opportunities for students to be creative and to facilitate teachers of the team become creative and reflective. Computer education is aggresively intergreted into the different domains of subjects. We try to set up a digital e-learning environment to promote teachers’ professionism and students’ autonomy learning abilities efficiently.

The Seed School of Arts and Humanities
    To develop the literacy of artistic and humanities, we aggressively cultivate talents in the fields of art, design and creativity to cope with the development of artistic creativity. The enrichment performances combined art, music, physical movement, literature and English ability are demonstrated by classes from second graders to six graders once a year.

Music Experimental Classes
    The Music Experimental Class was first established at Sing-Gong since 1998.We now have 3 classes, whose teachers are all professinals, specialized in different musical instrument and having plentiful experiences of teaching. The students possess outstanding abilities both on Academic and skills of music performing. The students had hold great records in different kinds of contests and are always invited by different institutes to perform. We encourage our students to have more practices and cultivate their soul through combining music and life.

Bilingual Living Environment
    English is the main communication vehicle for our country to connect the world; to expedite Taiwan’s connection with the international community, we conformed to the Executive Yuan to build an English Living Environment and was rewarded excellence in 1993. We also had fabulous performances on the English contests held by Tainan City Government.
    Meanwhile, we promote the learning of English and actively expand the use of English as a part of daily life.Every Friday morning , our English teachers host “ Magic English ” to introduce functional and practical conversations to all students and teachers lively.
    Education does not stop at schools. We also provide extra English classes curriculum for the parents and citizens who are interested in English learning to enhence their English abilities.

Health and Sports
     To foster the caring of the students and strengthen the “ Happily learning and Grow healthy. We strive to make our students exercise and do the Health Exercise every day during the second recess. We also won the first medal at the contest of H E.held by City Government.Besides we organize a badminton team and a girls volleyball team and both have achieved great records.
    We believe, physical health is the basic foundation for the next generation of society. Every school should stress the importance of physical education in order to develop school children’s physical vitality.
