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一般公告 網路管理者 - 圖書館 | 2022-12-23 | 點閱數: 684

政府網站資料開放宣告(Open Data Statement)



  為利各界廣為利用網站資料,臺南市立南寧高級中學(本校)網站上刊載之所有資料與素材,其得受著作權保護之範圍,採 CC 授權條款 姓名標示 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)發布,以無償、非專屬,不得再授權、僅得以原提供機關名義提供公眾使用,使用者得不限時間及地域,重製、改作、編輯、公開傳輸或為其他方式之利用,開發各種產品或服務(簡稱加值衍生物),此一授權行為不會嗣後撤回,使用者亦無須取得本機關之書面或其他方式授權;然使用時應註明出處。


(一) 本宣告範圍僅及於著作權保護之範圍,不及於其他智慧財產權利(包括但不限於專利、商標、及機關標誌之提供)。

(二) 當事人自行公開或依法令公開之個人資料是否得被蒐集、處理,及利用,使用者須自行依照個人資料保護法之相關規定,規劃並執行法律要求之相應措施。

(三) 部分的影音、圖像、樂譜、專人專案撰文或其他著作,經機關特別聲明須經同意方可使用者,不在本宣告所及範圍,其後續使用應另經機關同意。




Open Data Statement 


I. License Grant and Scope

  To facilitate the widely diverse utilization of the website data, all of data and materials on the Tainan Municipal Nan-ning High School website, which are deemed as protected under copyrights and published publicly, are provided under ” CC License, Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)” in a free of charge, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable method for the public. The users are granted a perpetual, worldwide, license to the data and materials for reproducing, adapting, compiling, publicly transmitting, or applying it on other methods, and as well as developing various products or services based on it (herein known as derivative works). This license is irrevocable, and the users do not have to require any additional written offer or other formality for it. However, the attribution of the original entity shall be provided in the further application, and the contribution part of the original entity shall be circulated in its own authorship.

II. Miscellaneous

  1. This statement is only applied for copyrights, it does not cover other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the grant of patent, trademark and entity logo.
  2. The related personal data might be attached to the data and materials under the circumstances of self-disclosure by the data subject or public-disclosure by the law. This does not guarantee the users to have a full consent from the data subject for the personal data collection, processing and utilization. For the further application of those personal data, the users shall bear the responsibilities by themselves and have to make it compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act in planning and execution.
  3. Part of the videos, photos, sheet music, project outcomes, special topics, or other works by named authors, respectively marked as additional approval required for the utilization by the entity, are not in the license scope of this statement. For the further use of those excluded works, the users shall require an additional permission from the entity.

III. The users are encouraged to make reasonable efforts with respect to moral right protection of the third parties involved, including the right of paternity and the right of integrity.

IV. The users should not maliciously manipulate the related information in the use of these data and materials provided under this statement. If the related information is rendered as intendedly inconsistent with the original data and materials in the exploitation, and the users can be reasonably liable for this unlawful fabrication act as well, then the users shall bear the full legal responsibilities by themselves either in the civil or in the criminal procedure.

V. This statement does not grant the users to represent the entity to the recommendation, permission, or approval to the derivative works.



nk to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1nBhxV7JNLmy-x0_dT9g2qY4CzjePOzIkBLcmiJTfZTjjng/viewform?usp=sf_link \_blank

LoiLoNote     easytest南寧
link to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1nBhxV7JNLmy-x0_dT9g2qY4CzjePOzIkBLcmiJTfZTjjng/viewform?usp=sf_link \link to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScENqeg74pW94P4wrxYPFJ5-GC9i_-8LWfmmHJIElISaRsvBA/viewform?usp=sf_link \link to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdz40lr8_V-RGn6BRh4o1XFk2gcn2Ey2vjPun-m0yM71hN7yA/viewform?usp=sf_link \ 
link to https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KUPvYIaTWSO7_j2fKPDyY9bF9fnoV9MjqivC0pUpaUQ/edit?usp=sharing \  link to https://loilonote.app/login?hl=zh-Hant     link to https://nnjh.easytest.tw/ \ 

交link to https://nnjh.easytest.tw/ \link to https://www.learnmode.net/home/ \link to https://dlearning.tn.edu.tw/home \link to https://loilonote.app/login?hl=zh-Hant \教學可使用的學習平台
▲因材網      ▲酷英網      ▲均一平台    ▲學習吧
ink to https://moocs.moe.edu.tw/ \link to https://adl.edu.tw/HomePage/home/ \
link to https://adl.edu.tw/HomePage/home/ \      link to https://auth.sso.edu.tw/onesteplogin?Auth_Request_Migration=true&Auth_Request_RedirectUri=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.junyiacademy.org%252Fedu_openid%252Fcallback&Auth_Request_State=nTpZa26ptrfYaGFXXemAuhbXRddhqQgs1JfkAV2diA75sKeqtbg/Or0ePfAAW8bItkgp9Pq5H0o8ZZIzKEZvQA%3D%3D+c7126a8b8ed25ec292b1c9a2d9457365+/+sign_up&Auth_Request_Response_Type=code&Auth_Request_Client_ID=4bac5ba6b883dc76349ca82c932331f3&Auth_Request_Nonce=nTpZa26ptrfYaGFXXemAuhbXRddhqQgs1JfkAV2diA75sKeqtbg/Or0ePfAAW8bItkgp9Pq5H0o8ZZIzKEZvQA%3D%3D&Auth_Request_Scope=openid+email+profile+openid2+eduinfo&local=true \   
link to https://www.learnmode.net/home/ \_blank
nk to https://www.learnmode.net/home/ \_blank

校內所需帳號說明校link to https://www.learnmode.net/home/ \link to https://www.learnmode.net/home/ \link to https://auth.sso.edu.tw/onesteplogin?Auth_Request_Migration=true&Auth_Request_RedirectUri=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.junyiacademy.org%252Fedu_openid%252Fcallback&Auth_Request_State=nTpZa26ptrfYaGFXXemAuhbXRddhqQgs1JfkAV2diA75sKeqtbg/Or0ePfAAW8bItkgp9Pq5H0o8ZZIzKEZvQA%3D%3D+c7126a8b8ed25ec292b1c9a2d9457365+/+sign_up&Auth_Request_Response_Type=code&Auth_Request_Client_ID=4bac5ba6b883dc76349ca82c932331f3&Auth_Request_Nonce=nTpZa26ptrfYaGFXXemAuhbXRddhqQgs1JfkAV2diA75sKeqtbg/Or0ePfAAW8bItkgp9Pq5H0o8ZZIzKEZvQA%3D%3D&Auth_Request_Scope=openid+email+profile+openid2+eduinfo&local=true \
▲開通帳號   ▲找回openID ▲高中開通布可帳號

link to https://reurl.cc/NR0m85 \    link to https://www.nnjh.tn.edu.tw/modules/tadnews/index.php?ncsn=5&nsn=5691 \        link to https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EzP03ecLqgWjZ3MYIitJM6RumyfcHyu1qElTyYZUT0o/edit#slide=id.p1 \_blank

ink to https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EzP03ecLqgWjZ3MYIitJM6RumyfcHyu1qElTyYZUT0o/edit#slide=id.p1 \link to https://www.nnjh.tn.edu.tw/modules/tadnews/index.php?ncsn=5&nsn=5691 \

▲教師問卷      ▲學生問卷
link to https://www.nnjh.tn.edu.tw/modules/tadnews/index.php?ncsn=5&nsn=5691 \link to https://www.nnjh.tn.edu.tw/modules/tadnews/index.php?ncsn=5&nsn=5691 \   link to https://adl.edu.tw/questionnaire/open/srl \ 

數位學習入口  ▲磨課師平台
link to https://dlearning.tn.edu.tw/home style=font-size: 0.88rem; \      link to https://moocs.moe.edu.tw/ \link to https://adl.edu.tw/questionnaire/open/srl \
link to https://sites.google.com/nnjh.tn.edu.tw/bilingual-music-course?usp=sharing \link to https://sites.google.com/nnjh.tn.edu.tw/bilingual-music-course?usp=sharing \

link to https://www.coolenglish.edu.tw/ \link to https://dlearning.tn.edu.tw/home \link to https://www.coolenglish.edu.tw/ \

link to https://www.coolenglish.edu.tw/ \link to https://dlearning.tn.edu.tw/hom


無線網路使用規範 // 網路使用規範 
資通安全維護計畫 //資安事件通報及應變管理程序







政府網站資料開放宣告(Open Data Statement)
