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IBST Grading Policy

Academics / 2024-08-29 / Count: 450

International Bilingual School at Tainan Science Park 

 Regulations and Supplementary Provisions of Grading Policy


113年 8 月 29 日校務會議通過
Passed in the Schoolwide Staff meeting on August 29,2024

第 一 條 Article 1


This Supplementary Regulation is based on:

第 二 條 Article 2


The student learning assessment in senior high schools (hereinafter referred to as "schools") shall aim to understand students' learning situations, stimulate students' diverse potential, cultivate students' core competencies, and promote students' appropriate development. It shall also serve as a basis for teachers' instruction and guidance.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions: 


The performance assessment of students in IBST shall be conducted in accordance with these Supplementary Provisions, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

第 三 條 Article 3


Student learning assessments in schools include academic performance assessments and conduct evaluations.

第 四 條 Article 4


The assessment of students' academic performance shall be based on a percentage system, and qualitative descriptive annotations may be added.


The assessment of students' academic performance shall consider students' physical and mental development, individual differences, and the nature of subjects and activities. It shall encompass cognitive, skill, and affective learning outcomes, using diverse assessment methods conducted both regularly and periodically. The ratio of daily and term assessments for each subject shall be determined by the school.


The aforementioned diverse assessments may include written tests, assignments, oral exams, performances, practical exercises, experiments, internships, visits, reports, data collection and organization, comprehension and appreciation, interviews, practical applications, self-assessments, peer evaluations, or portfolio assessments.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions:

  • 學業成績考,其方式及比重如下:

The methods and weightings for the assessment of academic performance are as follows:

    • 日常考查:百分之六十,進行多元評量考察。
      Daily assessments: 60%. Students will be assessed through diverse evaluation methods.
    • 定期考查:百分之四十。舉辦二次定期評量(每次百分之二十)。

Term assessments: 40%. Two periodic assessments will be conducted (each accounting for 20%).

    • 學年學業成績是第一學期學業成績和第二學期學業成績的平均值。

The academic performance for the school year is the average of the academic performance from the first semester and the second semester.

第一學期  (1st Semester)

第二學期  (2nd Semester)

學年成績  (Semester Grade)

日常考查  Daily 60%

定期考查  Term Exam 40%

日常考查  Daily 60%

定期考查  Term Exam 40%

兩學期平均值 Average of the grades from the two semester.

  • 學期成績總平均之計算為各科目學期學業成績乘以各該科目修習小時數所得之總和,再除以總修習小時數。

The calculation of the semester grade point average is the sum of the academic performance for each subject, multiplied by the number of class hours for that subject, divided by the total number of class hours.

  • 各科學期成績經任課教師評定後送交註冊組後,不得逕自更改。但如發現試卷評分或成績計算有錯誤者得由任課老師會同註冊組查證屬實,經部門核定後始可更正。           

 Once the semester grades for each subject have been evaluated by the respective teachers and submitted to the registrar, they cannot be changed without authorization. However, if there are errors in the grading of the exam papers or in the calculation of grades, the subject teacher, along with the registrar, can verify and correct the errors after departmental approval.

1: 符合民小學及國民中學學生學習評量辦法第七條
Note 1: In accordance with Article 7 of the Regulations for Student Learning Assessment in Elementary and Junior High Schools

The timing of student learning assessments in elementary and junior high schools is divided into daily assessments and term assessments

For domain learning courses, assessments should include both daily assessments and term assessments.  For flexible learning courses, regular assessments should be the primary method, with periodic assessments conducted as needed.

The number of paper-and-pencil tests in formative assessments for both domain and flexible learning courses should comply with the minimization principle specified in Article 4, Item 4. For summative assessments, the number of paper-and-pencil tests shall be up to two times per semester for first and second grades in elementary school, and up to three times per semester for third grade in elementary school through third grade in junior high school.

Students who cannot attend term assessments due to valid reasons and have been granted leave by the school may require supplementary evaluation, with their scores calculated based on actual performance.

Life skills performance is assessed based on daily evaluations, with the frequency of assessments adjusted flexibly as needed. 

註 2: 符合臺南市國民小學學生成績評量補充規定第六點
Note 2: In accordance with Point 6 of the Supplementary Provisions for Student Performance Assessment in Tainan City Elementary Schools

Term assessments for domain learning courses should be conducted two to three times per semester. Term assessments and daily  evaluations each account for 50% of the semester grade for each subject area.

第 五 條 Article 5

The subjects for the assessment of academic performance shall be in accordance with the curriculum guidelines for senior high schools (hereinafter referred to as "curriculum guidelines").

The calculation of credits for each subject is based on the guideline that one credit equals one period per week per semester, or a total of eighteen periods.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions: 

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

         This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 1到 8 年級學生,透過校方認可之線上課程平台修習各式課程,修習之線上課程即使通過,因不適用學分制度,故無學分計算列入之需求。學生修習通過後之線上課程,未來將不得用來免修雙語部 9 到 12 年級之必修學分課程。

Students from grades 1 to 8, who take various courses through school-approved online course platforms, will not have their completed online courses counted for credit, as they are not applicable under the credit system. Online courses completed by students will not be used to exempt mandatory credits for IBST grades 9-12 in the future.

  • 9到 12 年級,每週 4-6 節/小時的課程每學期提供 0.5 學分,每學年 1 學分。每周少於 4 節/小時的課程每學期將獲得 0.25 學分,每學年 0.5 學分。個別科目成績將按學期給出,並且僅對及格成績給予學分。如果學生在第一學期或第二學期的某門科目不及格,但學年平均成績等於或高於 六十分,則該學生仍可獲得學年學分。

For grades 9 through 12, courses offered for 4-6 periods/hours per week will earn 0.5 credits per semester and 1 credit per academic year. Courses offered for fewer than 4 periods/hours per week will earn 0.25 credits per semester and 0.5 credits per academic year. Individual subject grades will be given on a semester basis, and credits will only be awarded for passing grades. If a student fails a subject in either the first or second semester, but their annual average grade is 60 or higher, the student will still receive annual credit.

  • 如果 9 至 12 年級的學生參加補考後,所獲得的總學分少於學年所需學分的一半,則需要留級。但若學生寒暑假自行於校方認可之線上課程平台上修畢該科課程並取得學分,並於新學期開學前提出學分補修通過成績單,則學校會認可其成績和學分,本校成績單將註記該課程由校方認可之線上課程平台修畢並取得學分。
    If a student in grades 9 through 12 obtains less than half of the required annual credits after attending re-assessment, they will need to repeat the grade. However, if a student completes and earns credits for a course through school-approved online course platforms during summer or winter break and submits a passing grade report for credit recovery before the start of the new semester, the school will recognize their grades and credits. The school transcript will note that the course was completed and credited through school-approved online course platforms.

第 六 條  Article 6


If a student is unable to participate in the assessment for all or part of the subjects during term evaluations due to valid reasons, and the leave is approved by the school, the school may, after considering the reason for the leave, allow make-up exams or use other forms for assessment. The methods of assessment, calculation, and recording of grades shall be determined by the school.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions: 

  • 每個學期皆有二次定期評量,學生因故缺考者皆不予提前考試,學生必須於返校當日於雙語部辦公室報到,直至補考完(至多一天半)才能進教室。

There are two summative assessments each semester. Students who miss an exam for any reason will not be allowed to take the exam in advance. Students must report to the IBST office on the day they return to school and stay there until they have completed the makeup exam (up to one and a half days) before they can enter the classroom.

  • 經學校核准給假者補行考試之成績計算如下:

         For students granted leave by the school, the calculation of makeup exam grades is as follows:

    • 公假:參加定期考察,成績核實給分或以其他方式評量。

Official Leave: For those attending periodic assessments, grades will be given based on actual performance or assessed through other means.

    • 病假、喪假、產前假、娩假、流產假、育嬰假:學生須檢附相關證明,成績核實給分。

Sick Leave, Bereavement Leave, Prenatal Leave, Maternity Leave, Miscarriage Leave, Parental Leave: Students must provide relevant documentation, and grades will be given based on actual performance.

    • 因事假缺考者Personal Leave:
        1. 其補考成績在六十分以下者,依實得分數計算。

For scores below 60, the actual score will be recorded.

        1. 超過六十分者:

For scores above 60:

(1)1到 6 年級學生,超過部分之分數以百分之八十計算。

 For students in grades 1 to 6, the portion exceeding 60 will be calculated at 80%.

       (2)7到 12 年級學生,超過部分之分數以百分之七十計算。
  For students in grades 7 to 12, the portion exceeding 60 will be calculated at 70%.

Make-up Exam Grading Reference



original score

20% penalty

score earned

30% penalty

score earned


60+ (n-60) *0.8

60+ (n-60) *0.7



























1: 符合臺南市國民小學學生成績評量補充規定第七點
Note 1: In accordance with Point 7 of the Supplementary Provisions for Student Performance Assessment in Tainan City Elementary Schools

When students are absent from a term examination due to approved leave, they must take a makeup exam before the end of the semester. If a student misses a summative examination without a valid reason, they will not be permitted to take a makeup exam, and their score for the missed assessment will be recorded as zero.


For makeup exams, the school may provide different test questions. The calculation of grades is as follows:


        For absences due to public duties, bereavement, illness, maternity leave, or force majeure,

        grades will be based on actual performance.


For absences due to personal reasons, if the makeup exam score is below 60, it will be based on  the actual score. If the score exceeds 60, the portion exceeding 60 will be calculated at 80%.

第 七 條 Article 7


The calculation of the semester grade point average (GPA) is the sum of the academic performance for each subject, multiplied by the number of class hours for that subject, divided by the total number of class hours. The annual GPA is calculated as the average of the semester GPAs for that academic year.


The calculation of the annual academic performance for each subject is the average of the semester academic performances for that subject in that academic year. For subjects in which students are required to take a makeup exam according to Article 10, Paragraph 2, the calculation of the annual academic performance for that subject will use either the original or the makeup exam score, whichever is higher. It cannot be averaged with the grades from retaken or supplementary courses.


When calculating the semester academic performance for each subject, rounding is applied: scores are rounded to the nearest whole number. For the calculation of the semester and annual GPAs and the annual academic performance for each subject, scores are rounded to the nearest tenth place, with the second decimal place rounded up if it is 5 or higher.


  • 每次定期評量後書面通知學生家長一次。

After each summative assessment, a written notification will be sent to the student's parents.

  • 學科課程被歸類為以下其中一個類別:語言與文學、數學、社會、自然科學、選修課程。

Subject courses are classified into one of the following categories: Language and Literature, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Electives.

  • 學生的學業表現以百分比表示,其中六十百分比是及格分數。百分比將四捨五入到小數點第一位。

Students' academic performance is expressed as a percentage, with 60% being the passing score. Percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth place.

  • 1到 8 年級學生,學業成績按照以下標準計算:
    For students in grades 1 to 8, academic performance is given by the following scale:



























  • 9到 12 年級學生: 學生的平均成績點數(Grade Point Average GPA)是透過加權平均計算的;將所獲得的總成績點數數除以所修課程的總門數。在進階(Honors)課程中獲得 A 、 B 、 C 或 D 分數的學生將額外獲得 0.5成績點數,而在大學先修(A.P.)課程中獲得 A 、 B 、 C 或 D 分數的學生將額外獲得 1.0成績點數。以下圖表顯示了進階(Honors)課程和大學先修(A.P.)課程的加權情況:
    For students in grades 9 to 12, the Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated through weighted averaging; the total grade points earned are divided by the total number of courses taken. Students who receive an A, B, or C in Honors courses will receive an additional 0.5 grade point, while those who receive an A, B, or C in Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses will receive an additional 1.0 grade point. The following chart shows the weighting for Honors and A.P. courses:

Letter Grade














Percentage Grade

100~ 97













GPA (Standard)














GPA (Honors)




























Note 1: In accordance with Article 10 of the Regulations for Student Learning Assessment in Elementary and Junior High Schools


The results of formative and summative learning assessments for domain learning courses and flexible learning courses should be recorded using grades, numerical values, or qualitative descriptions according to the nature of the assessment method. At the end of the semester, the assessment results for each domain and flexible learning course should be combined to evaluate and describe students' learning performance, taking into account their personality traits, special talents, learning conditions, and attitudes. Specific suggestions for future learning may be provided if necessary.


The assessment results for domain learning courses should be presented in grades, with the following grade-to-score conversions:

一、優等:九十分以上。A: 90 and above.

二、甲等:八十分以上未滿九十分。B: 80 to less than 90.

三、乙等:七十分以上未滿八十分。C: 70 to less than 80.

四、丙等:六十分以上未滿七十分。D: 60 to less than 70.

五、丁等:未滿六十分。F: Less than 60.


A grade of D is considered the passing standard. 


The assessment results for flexible learning courses may be processed similarly to the third item.


Records of students' daily life performance should be based on the items listed in Article 3, Item 2, and should include factual behavior records and specific suggestions without a comprehensive evaluation or grade conversion.


Note 2: In accordance with Article 11 of the Regulations for Student Learning Assessment in Elementary and Junior High Schools


Schools should provide written notifications of learning assessment records and specific suggestions for domain learning courses, flexible learning courses, and daily routine performance to students and their legal guardians at least once per semester. 


Schools may announce the distribution of students' scores but must not publicly display individual students' rankings within the class or school.


Municipal and county (city) authorities should review the assessment results of students in elementary and junior high schools within their jurisdiction within one month after the end of each semester, to inform their educational policy formulation and implementation.

第 八 條  Article 8


The full score for academic performance is 100 points, with the passing standards as follows:

  • 一般學生:以六十分及格。

General students: 60 points is considered passing.

  • 依各種升學優待辦法規定入學之原住民學生、重大災害地區學生、政府派赴國外工作人員子女、退伍軍人、僑生、蒙藏學生、外國學生、境外優秀科學技術人才子女及基於人道考量、國際援助或其他特殊身分經專案核定安置之學生:一年級以四十分為及格,二年級以五十分為及格,三年級以後以六十分為及格。

Indigenous students admitted under various preferential admission policies, students from major disaster areas, children of government employees working abroad, veterans, overseas Chinese students, Mongolian and Tibetan students, foreign students, children of outstanding scientific and technological talents from abroad, and students placed under humanitarian considerations, international aid, or other special statuses approved through special projects: Tenth grade: 40 points is considered passing. Eleventh grade: 50 points is considered passing. Twelfth grade and above: 60 points is considered passing.


Students admitted under the regulations for the selection and recommendation of students with outstanding technical and vocational skills in secondary and higher education: Tenth and eleventh grades: 50 points is considered passing. Twelfth grade and above: 60 points is considered passing.



Students admitted under the regulations for the guidance of students with outstanding athletic performance in secondary and higher education: Tenth and eleventh grades: 40 points is considered passing. Twelfth grade and above: 50 points is considered passing.


The evaluation of academic performance for students with disabilities shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Special Education Act.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions:  

According to Article 3, Paragraph 5 of the Admission Regulations for Students in the Bilingual Departments or Bilingual Schools of the Science Park Senior High Schools and below, schools in the park may hold language tests as needed, and only those who pass the test will be admitted. Therefore, only the first paragraph stated in this regulation is applicable to IBST students.

  • 身心障礙學生之學業成績評量,由學校依特殊育法第十九條所定個別化育計畫之評量方式定之。

The evaluation of academic performance of students with disabilities shall be determined by an individualized education plan (I.E.P) implemented by the school in accordance with Article 19 of the Special Education Act.

第 九 條 Article 9


If a student’s residential area or school experiences a disaster as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, or other major incidents, and the school deems it necessary to adjust the passing standards for academic performance as stipulated in the previous article, the school may draft a plan. This plan must be approved by the specific subject’s teaching and research committee and the administrative meeting, and it must be properly preserved. The adjusted passing standard must not be lower than 40 points.


The content of the plan must include the following items:

  • 適用調整學業成績及格基準之學生姓名、學號、年級、科別、班級與適用學期及學年。

The names, student numbers, grades, departments, classes, applicable semesters, and academic years of the students to whom the adjusted passing standards apply.

  • 學校已實施之多元評量執行策略及學生學習補救措施。

The strategies for implementing multiple assessments and remedial measures for students that the school has already put into practice.

  • 學生學習成就差異分析、學校學習評量調整方案及調整之必要性說明。

An analysis of the differences in student learning achievements, an explanation of the school’s learning assessment adjustment plan, and the rationale for these adjustments.

第 十 條 Article 10


Students will be awarded credits for subjects in which their semester academic performance meets the passing standards specified in Article 8 or the preceding article.


For subjects where students’ semester academic performance does not meet the passing standards stipulated in Article 8 or the previous article, but reaches the following benchmarks, the school should provide a makeup exam:

  • 及格基準分數為五十分至六十分者:四十分。

For passing standards between 50 and 60 points: 40 points.


  For passing standards between 40 and 49 points: 30 points.


For subjects that require a makeup exam, students who achieve the passing standard stipulated in Article 8 or the preceding article will be awarded credits, and the score will be recorded as the passing standard score. Those who do not meet the passing standard will not be awarded credits, and the better of the original score or the makeup exam score will be recorded.


The school will conduct makeup exams once per semester. However, if a student is unable to attend the makeup exam for a valid reason and is granted leave by the school, the school may, after considering the reason for leave, allow the student to take a makeup exam or use other assessment methods.


For subjects in which students achieve the passing standards stipulated in Article 8 or the preceding article for the academic year, credits will be awarded for each semester of that academic year. Each semester’s score should still be recorded as the actual score achieved in that semester.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 9到 12 年級學生學期成績及格規準

Passing Standards for Students in Grades 9 to 12

    • 學業成績以一百分為滿分,其及格基準規定如下: 均以六十分為及格。

The full score for academic performance is 100 points, with 60 points as the passing standard for all subjects.

    • 學生學業成績不及格之科目,其成績達下列基準者,得於各該學期申請補考:一般學生四十分需補考。

For subjects in which students do not meet the passing standards but achieve the following benchmark, they may apply for a retake during the respective semester. General students must score at least 40 points to qualify for a retake.

    • 補考之成績,依下列規定採計與登錄:

The results of the retake will be recorded according to the following rules:

  1. 如果學生補考成績達到六十分或以上,學生將獲得六十分作為學期成績。

If a student scores 60 or above on the retake, 60 will be recorded as the semester grade.

  1. 若學生補考成績低於六十分,科目成績將記錄為原不及格科目學期成績或補考成績中較高的數字。

If a student scores below 60 on the retake, the subject grade will be recorded as the higher of the original failing grade or the retake grade.

    • 學校每學期辦理補考,以一次為限。但學生因故不能參加補考,經學校核准給假者,學校得審酌其請假事由後,准予補行考試或採其他方式評量之。惟採其他方式評量需經部門行政單位核准後執行。

The school conducts retakes once per semester. However, if a student cannot attend the retake for a valid reason and is granted leave by the school, the school may, after considering the reason for the leave, allow the student to take a makeup exam or use other assessment methods. The implementation of alternative assessment methods requires approval from the relevant administrative unit.

  • 有特殊情事者,可向教學組申請補考。
    In special circumstances, students may apply for a retake through the academic affairs office.

第 十一 條 Article 11


Students who do not meet the passing standards set forth in Articles 8 or 9 for any subject within the study period stipulated in Article 42 of this law may apply for retakes.


Subjects required by the curriculum guidelines and school regulations, if not taken, must be made up. Transfer students or students changing their field of study may apply to make up subjects other than those required by the curriculum guidelines and school regulations.


The methods for conducting retakes and make-ups are as follows:

  • 專班辦理:申請學生人數達十五人以上者,由學校開設專門班級,供學生修讀;每一學分不得少於六節。

Special Classes: If there are 15 or more applicants, the school will offer a special class for the students to take the course; each credit must include at least six periods.

  • 自學輔導:申請學生未達前款所定人數者,由師指定材,供學生自行修讀,並安排面授指 導及學;每一學分之面授指導及學節數,屬重修者,不得少於三節,屬補修者,不得少於六節。

Self-study Guidance: If the number of applicants is less than 15, the teacher will provide designated materials for students to study independently, and arrange for face-to-face guidance and teaching; each credit must include at least three periods of face-to-face guidance for retakes and at least six periods for make-ups.

  • 隨班修讀:依學生能力及學校排課等因素,安排學生隨其他班級課程修讀。

Attending Classes with Other Grades: Depending on the student’s ability and the school’s schedule, students may attend classes with other grades to complete the course.


The implementation time, course content, and actual teaching periods of the above methods will be determined by the school.


The academic performance evaluation for retakes, make-ups, and extended study periods shall be conducted in accordance with Article 4.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions: 

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 9到 12 年級學生,如果學期成績低於六十分,得於校方認可之線上課程平台上重修該課程。修畢該科課程並通過後,本校成績單將註記該課程由校方認可之線上課程平台修畢,學生將獲得 六十分作為學期成績,學分便可計入畢業要求。

Students in grades 9 to 12 who have a semester grade below 60 may retake the course on a school-approved online course platform. Upon completion and passing of the course, the school transcript will note that the course was completed through the school-approved online platform, and the student will receive 60 as the semester grade, which will count towards graduation requirements.

  • 轉學學生依本部課程及畢業學分數規定之必修科目,未修習者應補修。當學生未通過必修科目時,將無法獲得該科目的學分。

Transfer students must make up for any required courses according to the department's curriculum and graduation credit requirements. If a student fails a required course, they will not receive credit for that course.

  • 選修課程學年成績在六十分以下,無需重複選修同一課程。然而,學生需要有足夠的選修課學分才能滿足畢業要求。

Elective courses with an annual grade below 60 do not need to be retaken. However, students must earn enough elective credits to meet graduation requirements.

  • 修習校方認可之線上課程平台課程者,須達該課程所規定的總時數,以滿足相對應之學分數。

Courses taken on a school-approved online course platform must meet the total required hours to satisfy the corresponding credits.

  • 重修課程申請與辦理時間,以暑假期間辦理為原則。

Applications for and conducting retakes should primarily be handled during the summer break.

第 十二 條 Article 12


After students complete retakes or make-ups as per the previous article, if their grades meet the passing standards set in Articles 8 or 9, they will be awarded credits; if the grades do not meet the passing standards, no credits will be awarded.


For grades of retaken or made-up courses, the following rules apply:

  • 重修:達第八條或第九條所定及格基準者,依所定之及格基準分數登錄;未達及格基準者,就  重修前後成績,擇優登錄。

Retakes: If the grades meet the passing standards set in Articles 8 or 9, the grades will be recorded according to the passing standard. If the grades do not meet the passing standards, the better of the grades from before or after the retake will be recorded.

  • 補修:依實得成績登錄。

Make-ups: The actual grades achieved will be recorded.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。
This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

第 十三 條 Article 13


If the number of credits earned by a student in the first semester of an academic year is less than half of the total credits taken in that semester, the school may guide the student to reduce their credits for the second semester. The school will set the relevant regulations for credit reduction.


Students who apply to return from a leave of absence one semester earlier should follow the same regulations.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions: 

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

第 十四 條 Article 14


If the number of credits earned by a student in an academic year is less than half of the total credits taken in that academic year, they may be required to repeat the year. The credits earned in that academic year should include those obtained from make-ups, retakes, and remedial courses completed before the end of the academic year.



During repetition, the student's grades will be recorded based on the actual grades earned during the repetition. Students who have previously taken and earned credits for certain subjects and wish to be exempted from retaking those subjects must apply for exemption before the start of each semester. The school should grant such exemptions, and the original grades will be included in the repeated semester's grades. For subjects that students voluntarily retake without applying for exemption, the better of the grades from the retake or the original grades will be recorded. The school should provide appropriate guidance to students repeating the year.


To assist students in obtaining the required graduation credits, the school should provide warning measures and individual counseling based on each semester's credit achievements.


The regulations for transfer students upon admission, students changing their field of study (program), and students returning from leave of absence should follow the provisions of the previous three articles.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 輔導申請重讀學生以全面重讀為原則,若無法適應課程,則輔導其改變學習環境。

Guidance for students applying for re-enrollment should follow a principle of comprehensive re-enrollment. If the student is unable to adapt to the curriculum, guidance should be provided to change the learning environment.

  • 學生因重讀而申請免修時,應經過免修課程鑑定通過,並於學校安排之適當場所進行自主學習,出缺席狀況由生輔組派員協助管理,並將其出缺席狀況列入學期德行成績考核。

When a student applies for exemption from courses due to re-enrollment, they must pass the exemption course evaluation and engage in self-directed learning at an appropriate location arranged by the school. The student’s attendance will be managed by the student support team, and their attendance will be included in the semester’s moral conduct assessment.

  • 依據高級中等學校學生學籍管理辦法第 19 條,學校應於學生休學期滿一個月前,通知學生限期辦理復學,學生未於期限內辦理復學者,應辦理轉學或放棄學籍;第一次休學學生,未於期限內辦理復學、轉學或放棄學籍者,視為申請第二次休學;第二次休學學生未於期限內辦理復學、轉學或放棄學籍者,學校應廢止其學籍,並附具理由通知學生及其法定代理人。(依據上開辦法第 17 條第 3 點 休學每次以一學年為期,並以二次為限。)

According to Article 19 of the Regulations on Student Records Management for Senior Secondary Schools, the school must notify the student one month before the end of their leave of absence to process their re-enrollment. If the student does not re-enroll by the deadline, they must transfer or forfeit their student status. A first-time leave of absence that is not re-enrolled by the deadline will be treated as applying for a second leave of absence. If a student on a second leave of absence does not re-enroll, transfer, or forfeit their status by the deadline, the school will cancel their student status and notify the student and their legal guardian with reasons (as per Article 17, Item 3 of the above regulations: each leave of absence lasts one academic year and is limited to two instances).

第 十五 條 Article 15


The school should establish a student learning support system and analyze the results of daily and periodic academic assessments. This analysis should serve as a basis for implementing differentiated and remedial teaching throughout the semester to support students' individualized learning and unlock their potential. The standards and methods for implementation will be determined by the school.

第 十六 條 Article 16


Before enrollment of new students, transfer students, or students returning from leave of absence, subjects for which they have already earned credits should be reviewed to ensure they meet the curriculum guidelines or have passed an assessment, allowing them to be credited or exempted. The subject grades should be recorded based on the original grades or assessment results. Subjects without earned credits should be handled according to Article 11.


The review, assessment, and credit exemption regulations for the above-mentioned cases will be determined by the school.


After the school has processed credit exemptions for transfer students or those changing programs, if they do not meet the conditions for repeating as specified in Article 14, Paragraph 1, and apply for repetition, the school may handle their situation based on the student’s learning status, class allocation, and class size as follows:

  • 符合高級中等學校學生學籍管理辦法第十三條及第十四條第一款規定者,編入適當之年級。

Students who meet the conditions specified in Article 13 and Article 14, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations on Student Registration Management for Senior Secondary Schools will be placed in an appropriate grade.

  • 符合高級中等學校學生學籍管理辦法第十四條第二款及第三款規定者,編入適當之年級、科(學程)。

Students who meet the conditions specified in Article 14, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Regulations on Student Registration Management for Senior Secondary Schools will be placed in an appropriate grade and program.


When a student is enrolled as a visiting student according to Article 10, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations on Student Registration Management for Senior Secondary Schools, the original school should collaborate with the visiting school to review the subjects and credits taken. After the visiting period ends, the visiting school should notify the original school to record the grades based on the original school’s subject list. Subjects without earned credits should be handled according to Article 11 of these regulations.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 新生、轉學生申請抵免科目學分,應向雙語部註冊組提出申請,再經雙語部招生委員會依規定審核。
    New and transfer students applying for credit exemption should submit their application to the Bilingual Department’s Registrar and then have it reviewed by the Bilingual Department’s Admissions Committee according to regulations.
  • 依照學園區高級中等以下學校雙語部或雙語學校學生入學辦法,學生需符合資格始得申請雙語部,故借讀不適用雙語部

According to the Admission Regulations for Students in the Bilingual Departments or Bilingual Schools of the Science Park Senior High Schools and below, students who need to meet certain requirements are allowed to apply to IBST. Therefore, the regulation of visiting students does not apply to IBST.

第 十七 條 Article 17


Outstanding students, based on their physical and mental development, learning needs, and willingness, may apply to the school to shorten their study period. The process should follow the regulations and related laws concerning adjustments to school entry age and study period for special education students.

第 十八 條 Article 18


Students who obtain overseas academic records recognized under the regulations for recognizing overseas academic records for senior secondary schools, and whose subject grades from abroad meet the curriculum requirements upon school review or pass an assessment, may have their grades or credits counted and subjects exempted.


Students who have been approved by the school to pursue further studies, training, internships, or learning at public or private institutions or vocational training institutions, either domestically or abroad, and who obtain learning achievements or educational training certificates, may have their achievements or credits counted if they meet the curriculum requirements upon school review.

The school should handle the review, testing, credit calculation, and recognition of study periods at overseas senior secondary schools according to relevant regulations.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 新生、轉學生申請抵免科目學分,應向雙語部註冊組提出申請,再經雙語部招生委員會依規定審核。
    New and transfer students applying for credit exemption should submit their application to the Bilingual Department’s Registrar and have it reviewed by the Bilingual Department’s Admissions Committee according to regulations.

第 十九 條 Article 19


Schools may collaborate with other schools, domestically or internationally, to offer cross-school elective courses, or cooperate with domestic or international colleges and universities to offer preparatory or elective courses. The courses offered should be incorporated into the school's curriculum plan and reported to the relevant authorities for record-keeping.


For courses implemented via digital distance education, the methods for course implementation, academic performance evaluation, credit calculation, grade recording, and other related matters shall be agreed upon by the school and the collaborating institutions.

第 十九 條 之一 Article 19-1


Schools classified as remote areas according to the standards for remote area schools, or other schools approved by the central government authority in need of educational resource assistance, may, with the consent of the relevant authorities, collaborate with other domestic schools to offer digital distance education courses if they cannot hire qualified teachers for compulsory subjects.


For digital distance education courses, the methods for course implementation, academic performance evaluation, credit calculation, grade recording, and other related matters shall be agreed upon by the school and the collaborating institutions.


第 十九 條 之二 Article 19-2


When a disaster specified in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, an infectious disease specified in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Infectious Disease Control Act, or other major changes occur in the area where the student resides or the school is located, the school may use digital distance education or other appropriate methods to conduct teaching and administer learning assessments.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條僅適用 9 到 12 年級學生,不適用 1 到 8 年級學生。

This article applies only to students in grades 9 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 8.

  • 選修課程、數位遠距教學,或國內、外其他學校合作開設跨校選修之課程及國內、外大專校院合作開設預修課程。其相關課程實施與學業成績評量方式、學分採計、成績登錄及相關事項,請參閱 IBST Policy Regarding Elective and AP Courses
    For elective courses, digital distance learning, cross-school elective courses offered in collaboration with domestic or overseas schools, and preparatory courses offered in collaboration with domestic or overseas colleges/universities, please refer to the IBST Policy Regarding Elective and AP Courses for details regarding the implementation of these courses, methods of academic performance assessment, credit calculation, grade recording, and other related matters.

第 二十 條 Article 20


Students who take flexible learning time courses at vocational senior high schools, meeting the following conditions, and are indicated for credit in the school's curriculum plan, will be awarded flexible learning time credits:


The courses are substantial enrichment or reinforcement courses taught throughout the semester.


The grades obtained meet the passing standards specified in Article 8 or Article 9.


There is no occurrence of absences resulting in a zero score as specified in Article 25, Paragraph 1.


The grades obtained may either not be recorded or be recorded as the actual grades. However, they are not included in the calculation of average grades specified in Article 7, Paragraphs 1 to 3.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions:

This article applies only to vocational senior high school students and does not apply to IBST grades 1 to 12 students.

第 二十一 條 Article 21


Moral conduct evaluation is a comprehensive assessment based on student behaviors, without assigning scores or grades. 


The items for moral conduct evaluation are as follows:


Overall performance in daily life and special performances both inside and outside the school.


Service learning.


Records of rewards and punishments.


Attendance records.


Specific feasible suggestions.


第 二十二 條 Article 22


Moral conduct evaluation is conducted on a semester basis by the homeroom teacher, who will refer to opinions from subject teachers and relevant administrators according to the provisions of the preceding article, record the behaviors, and provide specific suggestions if needed. This evaluation will be used as a basis for appropriate guidance and other suitable educational measures after review by student affairs meetings. 


For students who are repeating courses, making up for missed classes, or extending their study period, the moral conduct evaluation will be determined by the school based on their course situation and by referring to the general student regulations.


For visiting students, the moral conduct evaluation during the visiting period will be conducted by the visited school, and upon completion of the visiting period, the evaluation records will be provided to the original school for registration.


補充規定:Supplementary Provisions: 

According to the Admission Regulations for Students in the Bilingual Departments or Bilingual Schools of the Science Park Senior High Schools and below, students who need to meet certain requirements are allowed to apply to IBST. Therefore, the regulation of visiting students does not apply to IBST.

第 二十三 條  Article 23


Rewards and punishments in moral conduct evaluation are handled as follows:


Rewards: categorized into commendations, minor merits, and major merits.


Punishments: categorized into warnings, minor demerits, and major demerits.


The rewards and punishments should be communicated to the student, homeroom teacher, and parents or guardians, and included in the moral conduct evaluation at the end of the semester.


The specific regulations regarding the items, reasons, procedures for rewards and punishments, and the offsetting and cancellation of these records are determined by the school.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions: 

This article applies only to students in grades 7 to 12 and does not apply to students in grades 1 to 6. (Students in grades 1 to 6 should refer to the National Elementary and Junior High School Student Awards and Punishments Guidelines.)

  • 請參照本校之「學生獎懲要點」及「改過遷善銷過實施辦法」。
    Please refer to the school's "Student Rewards and Punishments Guidelines" and "Implementation Measures for Correcting Misconduct and Clearing Records.”

第 二十四 條  Article 24


Student leave types are categorized as follows: official leave, personal leave, sick leave, marriage leave, prenatal leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, miscarriage leave, parental leave, menstrual leave, and bereavement leave. The regulations for these types of leave are established by the school.


Absences not approved by the school according to the leave regulations are considered as truancy.


Attendance records for moral conduct evaluation are managed according to the student's leave regulations.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions: 

Please refer to the "Student Leave Guidelines of IBST.

第 二十五 條 Article 25


If a student's absences from class due to unexcused absences and personal leave amount to one-third of the total class hours for that subject during the semester, the semester grade for that subject will be recorded as zero. However, absences due to significant personal or family emergencies, when approved by the relevant student affairs meeting, may be excluded from this calculation.


When a student's absences impact their academic performance, the school should provide warning measures and offer individual counseling based on the situation.

補充規定: Supplementary Provisions: 

本條僅適用 10 到 12 年級學生, 1 到 9 年級學生請參考第二十七條 (註 1:國民小學及國民中學學生學習評量辦法第十三條)
This article applies only to students in grades 10 to 12. For students in grades 1 to 9, please refer to Article 27 (Note 1: Article 13 of the National Elementary and Junior High School Student Learning Evaluation Guidelines).

第 二十六 條 Article 26


Except for official leave, if a student's total absences during the semester amount to half of the total class hours, or if the number of unexcused absences accumulates to 42 periods, the school, after presenting the case to the relevant student affairs meeting, should provide appropriate counseling and educational measures in accordance with legal regulations.

第 二十七 條 Article 27


Student learning evaluation results shall be handled according to the following regulations:

  • 符合下列情形者,准予畢業,並發給畢業證書:

Students who meet the following conditions shall be granted graduation and issued a graduation certificate:

  • 修業期滿,符合課程綱要所定畢業條件。

Completion of studies and fulfillment of graduation requirements as specified in the curriculum guidelines.

  • 修業期間德行評量之獎懲紀錄相抵後,未滿三大過。

During the period of study, after considering the reward and punishment records from moral conduct evaluations, the student has not accumulated three or more major demerits.

  • 修業期滿,修畢課程綱要所定應修課程,且取得一百二十個畢業應修學分數,而未符合前款規定者,發給修業證明書。

During the period of study, after considering the reward and punishment records from moral conduct evaluations, the student has not accumulated three or more major demerits.

Students who complete practical skills program courses in segments and pass the assessments may apply to the school for a certificate of completion for the segmented courses.

補充規定:Supplementary Provisions:

  • 本條補充規定之畢業應修學分數僅適用 12 年級畢業學生, 6 年級及 9 年級畢業學生僅須符合國民中小學學生學習評量辦法(註 1)即可。

Supplementary provisions for graduation requirements apply only to 12th-grade graduates with 23 graduation credits. 6th and 9th-grade graduates need to comply with the 'Regulations for Student Learning Assessment in Primary and Junior High Schools' (Note 1).

  • 每週 4-6 節/小時的課程每學期提供 0.5 學分,每學年 1 學分。每周少於 4 節/小時的課程每學期將獲得 0.25 學分,每學年 0.5 學分。

Courses offered for 4-6 periods/hours per week will earn 0.5 credits per semester and 1 credit per academic year. Courses offered for fewer than 4 periods/hours per week will earn 0.25 credits per semester and 0.5 credits per academic year.

  • 選修課程成功完成後不得重複修讀。

Elective courses, once successfully completed, cannot be retaken.

  • 九至十二年級,必須完成至少一學分的美術和表演藝術選修課程。

From 9th to 12th grade, students must complete at least one credit in Fine and Performing Arts electives.

  • 修業期滿,修畢應修課程, 9 到 12 年級學生需完成四年中學學業並取得 23 個畢業應修學分數(如下表),及符合教育部出缺勤規定,准予畢業,並發給畢業證書。

Upon completing the required courses and fulfilling the academic requirements, 9th to 12th-grade students must complete four years of secondary education and earn 23 graduation credits(see chart below), and meet the Ministry of Education's attendance regulations to be granted a diploma.

    • 10到 12 年級學生每學期須出席超過學校總天數的二分之一。

10th to 12th-grade students must attend more than half of the total school days

    • 7到 9 年級學生需要出席超過學校總天數的三分之二方可畢業。
      7th to 9th-grade students must attend more than two-thirds of the total school days to graduate.




Years of Study


Periods        Per week


Credit earned For one year


Credits required for graduation











Social Studies





























  • 未符合第二十七條及上述規定者,發給修業證明書。

If the requirements of Article 27 and the above regulations are not met, a certificate of completion will be issued.

  • 學生在收到成績單或考評後,如有異議,應在一週內向學校申請複查或說明。

Students who have objections to their transcripts or evaluations should apply for a review or explanation from the school within one week.

  • 10到 12 年級學生修業年限以三年為原則,至多五年為限

For students in grades 10 to 12, the standard duration of study is three years, with a maximum limit of five years.

  • 對於 6 、 9 和 12 年級的畢業班,學術相關的畢業獎項和表彰根據以下標準(請參閱國立南科國際實驗高級中學畢業獎項規定)。

For the graduating classes of G6, G9, and G12, academic related  graduation awards and recognition are based on the following criteria (see NNKIEH Graduation Awards Guidelines). 

    • 6年級的學術相關畢業獎項是基於 5 到 6 年級第二學期期中成績。

Academic-related graduation awards for G6 are determined using the grades from the entire G5 year up to the third quarter of the G6 year.

    • 9年級的學術相關畢業獎項是基於 7 到 9 年級第二學期期中成績。

Academic-related graduation awards for G9 are determined using the grades from G7 up to the third quarter of the G9 year

    • 12年級的學術相關畢業獎項是基於 10 到 12 年級第二學期期中成績。

Academic-related graduation awards for G12 are determined using the grades from G10 up to the third quarter of the G12 year.

  • 實用技能學程分段課程不適用雙語部 1 到 12 年級學生。

Practical skills program courses in segments do not apply to IBST grades 1 to 12 students.

註 1 :符合 國民小學及國民中學學生學習評量辦法第十三條

Note 1: In accordance with Article 13 of the "Regulations for Student Learning Assessment in Elementary and Junior High Schools"


Students who complete their studies and meet the following criteria shall be considered to have passed, and the school shall issue a graduation certificate. Those who do not meet the criteria shall be issued a completion certificate:

  • 出席率及懲:學習期間授課總日數扣除學校核可之公、喪、病假及直轄市、縣(市)主管機關規範之假別,上課總出席率至少達三分之二以上,且經獎懲抵銷後,未滿三大過。

Attendance and Rewards/Punishments: The total number of school days during the semester, excluding approved public, funeral, and sick leave, as well as leave specified by municipal or county (city) authorities, must result in a total attendance rate of at least two-thirds. Additionally, after accounting for rewards and punishments, the student should not have more than three major demerits.

  • 領域學習課程成績:

Subject Learning Course Performance:


Elementary School Stage: Among the seven domains (Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Arts, Integrated Activities, Health and Physical Education), students must have at least four domains with a graduation average score of at least "D" grade or above.


 Junior High School Stage: Among the eight domains (Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Arts, Integrated Activities, Technology, Health and Physical Education), students must have at least four domains with a graduation average score of at least "D" grade or above


註 2 :符合臺南市國民小學學生成績評量補充規定第十四點

Note 2: In accordance with Point 14 of the "Supplementary Regulations for Student Performance Assessment in Tainan City Elementary Schools"


Students who complete their studies and meet the following criteria shall be considered to have passed, and the school shall issue a graduation certificate. Those who do not meet the criteria shall be issued a completion certificate:

  • 中華民國一百零八年八月一日以前入學國民小學之學生:

For students who enrolled in elementary schools before August 1, 2019:

(一)學習期間授課總日數扣除學校核可之公、喪、病假,上課總出席率至少達三分之       二以上。

The total number of school days during the learning period, excluding approved public, funeral, and sick leave, must result in a total attendance rate of at least two-thirds.


Among the seven learning domains, students must have at least four domains with a graduation average score of "C" grade or above.

  • 中華民國一百零八年八月一日以後入學國民小學之學生:

For students who enrolled in elementary schools after August 1, 2019:

(一)學習期間授課總日數扣除學校核可之公、喪、病假,上課總出席率至少達三分之二   以上。

The total number of school days during the learning period, excluding approved public, funeral, and sick leave, must result in a total attendance rate of at least two-thirds.

(二)領域學習課程成績:語文、數學、社會、自然科學、藝術、綜合活動、 健康與體育七領域有四大領域以上,其各領域之畢業總平均成績,均達丙等以上。
Subject Learning Course Performance: Among the seven domains (Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Arts, Integrated Activities, Health and Physical Education), students must have at least four domains with a graduation average score of "D" grade or above.

第 二十八 條 Article 28


When students repeat a year, transfer schools, or return to school, if the central government authority has issued a new curriculum outline resulting in changes to the applicable graduation requirements, the school shall apply one of the requirements from before or after the change more and carry out credit transfer and calculation accordingly.

第 二十九 條 Article 29


The results of student learning assessments shall be properly preserved and managed, with respect for individual privacy and rights. The collection, processing, and use of assessment data shall be handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and relevant regulations.

第 三十 條 Article 30


Any supplementary regulations regarding student learning assessments formulated by the school according to these regulations shall be implemented after being approved by the School Faculty Meeting. Amendments to these regulations shall follow the same procedure.

第 三十一 條 Article 31


These supplementary provisions shall be implemented after being approved by the School Faculty Meeting.



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