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Student Life / 2022-12-21 / Count: 1192

The Model United Nations is a student-run activity that simulates the actions and organizations of the United Nations. That means students take the roles of ambassadors and representatives of different countries and world organizations. This class, Fridays 6th and 7th periods, will prepare students to fill these roles. Students will learn how to research, write conclusions from information, analyze sources, explore other cultures, effectively interact with members of other countries, work in small groups, and speak in public.


  1. Club members must attend one conference per semester (two per school year). However, all 7th through 12th grade students are welcome and encouraged to participate.
    1. Alternative: All of the below mentioned assignments will be pre- checked by either a designated officer or faculty director to meet requirements as set under Assignments. Officers (and volunteering members) will then raise questions during the presentation to ask as if in an actual conference.
      1. Country profile and policy statement to be turned in by date set by either a designated officer or Faculty director
      2. Opening speech to be presented before a prepared PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 10 minutes) on the given issue(s)
      3. If alternative standards are not met, the semester MUN credit will be revoked
  2. On conferences
    1. Dropping out of a pre- registered conference (signed up in Form I) may be granted, given that a replacement is found by themselves
      1. Name changing fees or any other inflicted penalties will be accepted by the initially registered delegate
      2. If no replacement is found, the signed-up delegate is responsible for payment of all fees
    2. Both registration and transportation/ accommodation fees must be paid by set due date
      1. If not turned in on time, students will be required to make up for it through an extra country profile/ resolution to be written and turned in (dates will be decided by officers based on how long the student took to pay)
    3. Calendar of school sponsored conferences (will be organized by school & attended by faculty director):
      1. HSINMUN –at IBSH in Hsinchu (grades 7-12)
        1. 2nd weekend of October
        2. Commitment date: end of June previous school year
      2. STMUN –at KAS or I-Shou in Kaohsiung (grades 7-12)
        1. 2nd weekend of December
        2. Commitment date: early October
      3. TAIMUN –at American School of Taichung (grades 9-12)
        1. Mid April
        2. Commitment date: end of October
      4. TASMUN –at Taipei American School (grades 7-9)
        1. 3rd weekend of April
        2. Commitment date: early December
    4. Other non-sponsored conferences (will not be organized by school or attended by faculty director)
      1. TainanMUN –Tainan 1st Boys School
      2. PASMUN –Pacific American School in Hsinchu

Officer/Member Duties

Officer duties
All officers must be club members, positions of president and vice-president may only be held by 10th -12th grade students with a minimum of 2 conference experience. Secretary and treasurer may be from 8th -12th grade with a minimum of 1 conference experience.


  1. President
    1. Create lesson plan and new policies (if any); fill out forms
    2. Conduct class/ lecture
  2. Vice- President
    1. Write permission slips and book transportation
    2. Conduct class/ lecture
  3. Secretary
    1. Book accommodation and collect money
    2. Conduct class/ lecture
  4. Treasurer
    1. Wire monetary transfers and help collect money
    2. Conduct class/ lecture

Club Member Duties

  1. Please be punctual and arrive to the club on time
  2. All club members are highly encouraged to participate and voice their opinions in club discussions, and will be graded on their in- class performances and activeness
  3. Under no circumstance should a club member be allowed to leave the classroom and be with another club or participating in personal activities unless cleared with by the teacher or a student officer

Chair Applications

  1. Students are encouraged to apply for chair positions at conferences
  2. Most conferences allow only 2 chair applications to be submitted, they require the recommendation of the MUN director who will rank the applicants first and second choice

Students who may not be chosen for chair positions are still required to attend the conference as a delegate.



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