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Attendance Policy

Student Life / 2023-07-17 / Count: 1068


Download: Student Leave Form


The administration and teaching staff at NNKIEH agree that punctual and regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Regular attendance is also a mark of a mature sense of responsibility. Unfortunately, circumstances may arise that make it impossible for a student to attend school. When such an absence does occur, it is necessary for the student to seek out and complete assignments. However, it is important for students to realize that completing make-up work does not replace the actual experience of being in class. It is not possible to make up the learning experiences that come through listening to a full explanation of the facts and concepts, participating in classroom discussions, and processing the ideas and questions of others. Therefore, regular daily attendance must be a priority of each and every student at NNKIEH.
Valid Causes of Absenteeism and Reporting an Absence
NNKIEH considers the following circumstances to be valid causes for a student’s absence:
1. Official Leave:

a. Performing a public service as a representative of the school.
b. Participating in activities orcompetitions as a representative of school.
c. If students have to take official leave, the instructors will have to fill out the official leave form. The official leave form must first be approved by homeroom teachers and Disciplinary section chief and then sent to the principal.

2. Sick or Personal Leave: 

a. For sick leaves, notify the Disciplinary section chief (505-2916 ext. 7108) or the homeroom teacher (505-2916 + ext.) at least before class begins (8:10 am) on the day of leave.
b. For personal leaves, notify the Disciplinary section chief (505-2916 ext. 7108) or the homeroom teacher (505-2916 + ext.) at least 1 day before the leave day. 
c. Sick leave form must be signed by parent or guardian and returned to the Disciplinary Section Chief within 1 week of absence. 
d. Students that need to take more than 3 days sick leave are required to fill out a leave form signed by a parent or guardian and submit  written medical documentation. 
e. Students that need to leave school because of an illness will have a parent or guardian contacted, by either the school nurse or the homeroom teacher, to come to school and pick up the student personally. Students living in the dormitory - The parent or guardian of a student living in the dormitory will be notified to pick up the student personally. 
f. Students will only be permitted to take leave during an important activity or midterm or final exam period in the case of bereavement leave or illness of the student. Students will only be allowed to take sick leave without penalty (see midterm and final exams) with medical documentation. Once the student has submitted the sick leave form and medical documentation to academic affairs section, the student will be allowed to take the make-up exam.

3. Death in the Family (Bereavement Leave)
    a. Leave form signed by parent orguardian
    b. If you cannot come to school personally to fill out the leave form, you must phone school before 
     the  leave day.

4. Maternity leave: According to the bureau of education, Maternity leave is considered excuse absence.
Unexcused Absences(Truancy)
A student is considered unexcused or truant when absent without valid cause for a school day or any portion of a school day. If a student’s absence is unexcused he/she will not be allowed to make up work for credit and will receive no credit for any work or tests that were missed. Examples of unexcused absences are failure to inform the IBST Office within a week, oversleeping, missing the bus, car trouble, working or employment interviews.
Procedure for Leaving School Grounds
1. At least one day before leaving campus, the student’s parent/guardian must contact the IBST Office to secure an off-campus pass.
2. All off-campus passes must be approved by the administration and picked up in the IBST Office before leaving.
3. The student must sign out at the IBST Office. If the student returns before the end of his/her school day, they should sign in at the IBST Office. *Any student leaving school grounds during the school day without following these procedures will be considered truant and placed on truancy steps. Students who need to leave school because of an illness will have a parent or guardian contacted, by either the school nurse or the homeroom teacher, to come to school and pick up the student personally.

Decide whether the cause of absence is a sufficient reason to warrant the student missing valuable instruction time.

Inform the IBST Office of any valid absence within a week of the absence with necessary documentation. It shall be the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to: Make arrangements for makeup work with the individual teachers to determine make up work and their deadline. It shall be IBST’s RESPONSIBILITY to: Monitor the student’s attendance. Inform parents/guardians of any attendance problems.

Tardy Policy
On time arrival for class is a value we want to instill in our students. Tardiness is not acceptable because it disrupts class, hurts the morale of the students who are on time, reflects a negative attitude toward the class, creates disruptive problems in the halls, and develops a habit which may make future employment difficult. Students will be considered tardy if they are not in the classroom, prepared for class, when the bell rings.

A student is considered tardy if less than 10 minutes late to class. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to class without an excused tardy pass, his/her absence will be regarded as unexcused.
Teachers should inform their students of the tardy policy and their expectations on the first day of class and on subsequent days as necessary. 



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