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Textbook Information

Academics / 2024-08-26 / Count: 2531

Since the school purchase window is closed, please note the following procedure of ordering:

We suggest ordering directly from the agencies the school cooperates with. However, this year the situation is more complex, as textbooks for LA, Science, and other subjects come from three different agencies.

To simplify the process, please fill out the IBST textbook form together, in following Grade link information (download the document and complete the form) and send email to both agencies and IBST Admins with your signature.
IBST can assist in determining the corresponding agencies and forward the form to the agencies so that when they respond with pricing information, both of us will receive the details simultaneously.

The agencies will inform you of the textbook prices and total fees. Please note that the final price might differ from the listed amount due to fluctuations in the exchange rate. After receiving the total price from your order list, please transfer the fee to their account. Remember to take a photo or screenshot of the receipt and email it back to them once the transaction is complete.

Thanks for all your understanding

For New comer's reference, following are the book suppliers for the new academic year(2024-25) at IBST :

G1-G6 LA Textbook (Savaas: My View & My Perspectives)

二個 LOGO 並列(EMAIL).png

南區營業部 專員 | Southern Taiwan Sales Dept. | 

張迪鈞 [ Rayven Chang]
T: 06-2296347 #42 | Line: caves001 | M: 0911-786-250 | Catalogue Download


G1-G5 Science (McGrawHill: A Closer Look)

龍騰數位有限公司 Longterm Digital
51449 彰化縣溪湖鎮員鹿路二段 264 巷 7 號
電話: 04-8818821     傳真: 04-8818890
廖小姐: 0932-647566
網址:http ://

(G7-12)LA/ (G1-12)Math/ (G6-10)Science/ (G1-12)Social Studies/ (G3-12)Novels/Electives

Liwen Cultural Institution
Corner Bookstore Purchaser
Professional Supplier of Books, Teaching Aids, and Stationery

劉 紋妏 (Wen Wen Liu)
TEL: +886-7-2236780 ext. 319
Learn more at
Address: 2F.-2, No.57, Wufu 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan



2024-2025 IBST Textbook Lists by Grade  (Suggested retail price)

G1   G2   G3    G4    G5    G6

G7   G8   G9   G10   G11  G12  Electives


For New students (06.20.2024 Updated)
Order form submited to IBST office or email to Textbook Assistant teacher(Ms Lani)Academic Chief's email (Ms Jing) , staff Ms San(

(Discounted prices)

G1   G2   G3    G4    G5    G6

G7   G8   G9   G10   G11  G12  Electives


*Chinese Textbook Information
G1-9 康軒出版社
G10-12 龍騰出版社







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