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Guidance 林娟 - Guidance | 2023-08-17 | Count: 1107

The fair will take place in the gymnasium at Kaohsiung American School from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 11th.

So far, 35 institutions (see below) have confirmed attendance at our fair.  There are 15 more institutions which have indicated interest and may attend if space remains available.

How to register

IBST students are asked to register in advance with this form:

 A poster with a QR code is also attached which students can use to sign up for the event.


List of Colleges


American University

Arizona State University

Baylor University

Boston College

Bucknell University

Case Western Reserve University

Clark University

DePauw University

Foothill and DeAnza Colleges

Fordham University

Grinnell College

Indiana University-Bloomington

Kalamazoo College

Kenyon College

Lewis & Clark College

Purdue University

San Jose State University

Savannah College of Art & Design

University at Albany, State University of New York

University of California, Davis

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Chicago

University of Denver

University of San Francisco

University of Tampa

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Washington & Lee University

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Concordia University

McMaster University


University of Navarra


Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Nagoya University of Commerce & Business




QR Code