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Activities 林勉豪 - Activities | 2023-09-15 | Count: 687




Parents’ Questions

Admin Response



Teachers rarely use the Alma “ to do ” function. Since it’s hard to read my kid’s handwriting, will it be possible that teachers can put daily HW in Alma?

Students should be responsible to write their daily homework in daily planners or in a notebook. Different teachers have different preferences of Alma functions, please talk with your child's subject teachers.



Who will watch kids during recess to ensure their safety?

It's all school staff's responsibility for watching and ensuring the safety of students, not only during recess.



If a student forgot to bring HW back, will he be able to make up next day?

Each teacher has a different policy about late homework submission. Please talk to the students' subject teachers.



What is the purpose of alma?

Why you don’t have more activity club?

Parents can use Alma to check students' grades in a timely manner. 

After school clubs are open based on the interests of students. We would need at least 9 students signing up for the club and also need to find instructors who can offer after school clubs. 



How can we access the online resources in the text and work book?

Is there a better way of communicating homework requirements we need classification at least once a week?

Please talk with your child's subject teachers about the online resources in the text and workbook as well as  the homework requirements and classification.



To school, about parents participation in school events and support for the each class. (Such as group picture of earache grade at the beginning of the semester, tec)

Parents should not enter the class building without permission during school hours to ensure students' safety. Please refer to Campus Access Policy ( However, parents are welcome to participate in school events when it's an open house day, such as Parent's day, Sports day, Year End performance, Parents workshop, etc.



Increase the number of foreign teachers.

IBST hires teachers according to their professionals in subject areas needed, not by their nationalities.



What are rules regarding usage of the canteen shop - I want to understand when are kids allowed to buy things from the canteen

Canteen is open from 7 am to 5 pm. (11:50am-1:20pm is closed). According to MOE regulations about Campus Beverage and Snack Saling, there is one section for G1-G9 and one section for G10-G12. (regulation reference:



Is there supervision after 4pm? (Tennis class starts at 4:30 pm)

Tennis coach will be the supervisor. IBST Admin has an after school club supervisor on duty til 6pm from Wed to Fri.



Increase the number of foreign teachers so that students in other subjects except Chinese classes should be taught by foreign teachers in professional subjects.

IBST hires teachers according to their professionals in subject areas needed, not by their nationalities.



Will it be possible to continue the G6/9/12 Graduation celebration in YEP; furthermore, graduation gown/robe for G12 and select color for representing IBST?

Yes, we can continue the G6/9/12 Graduation celebration in YEP. Currently, IBST doesn't have a budget for purchasing a new graduation gown/robe for G12. 



Consider PST 8/9 for G8 (optional)?

The consensus reached during the Curriculum Meeting on June 6, 2023, regarding IBST standardized testing is as follows: Students in G2 through G8 will take the MAP test. G9 students will take the PSAT 8/9. G10 students will take the PSAT. Additionally, for College Board scholarship applications, qualified G11 students will take the PSAT/NMSQT.



When does 8th and 9th graders have the PSAT test?

10th graders will take the PSAT test on October 11, while 9th graders will take the PSAT 8/9 in the second semester. 



Are we going to have compensation when the kids go to high school?

According to the National Science and Technology Council Memorandum, when attending school in the Bilingual Program under Science Park, payment of tuition and fees does not fall under the 'Regulations for the Implementation of the National Education Act,' Article 7, Paragraph II, nor the 'Senior Secondary School Student Fee Collection Method Act,' Article III, to maintain equality and fairness.



Will we have the compensation from our MOE(高中職全面免學費)

According to the National Science and Technology Council Memorandum, when attending school in the Bilingual Program under Science Park, payment of tuition and fees does not fall under the 'Regulations for the Implementation of the National Education Act,' Article 7, Paragraph II, nor the 'Senior Secondary School Student Fee Collection Method Act,' Article III, to maintain equality and fairness.



Who do I ask if I have questions for Taiwanese college applications?

Please talk to Mr. Robert Lin at extension 8613 or email



Who should I ask if I have questions for American scholarship programs for university?

There is information posted to Google Classroom for scholarships. In addition, Ms. McKenzie will be happy to work individually with parents on this topic.



  How can I apply to a German university? What programs are there?

Please talk to Ms. Goldsmith at extension 7216 or email



Will students use Cialfo for college applications or else?

Yes,IBST is paying for this platform  for students to use. The platform will help address their college needs.Grade 12 students will have direct training for CIALFO on Tuesday Sept 19th. It will be recorded for grade 11 to access as well.



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