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Important 謝宜珊 - News | 2023-09-16 | Count: 494

[Traffic] On September 21 (Thursday), from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, the access road near the security gate (the yellow box below) will be completely closed.


Our school will conduct a nationwide campus Emergency drill on September 21st (Thursday).

Due to ongoing Elementary Sports field construction, the drill will take place at the access road near the security gate (坐駕大排). Therefore, on Sep 21 (Thursday) from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, the access road near the security gate will be completely closed.

No vehicles of any kind (bicycles, scooters, cars, etc.) will be allowed to enter during this time.

Parents, please do not park your vehicles in the area on the access road near the security gate during this time.

Thank you for your cooperation!



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