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Honor Roll 王虹晶 - Academic | 2023-10-19 | Count: 433

Dear IBST,
Many thanks for your patience.
We had finished the Reader Theater Preliminary contest for G5&6 students.
Judges are very excited to see the young talent in G5/6. We have selected the following students as successful candidates from Try-Out for the IBST.

Reader Theater 2024 Team members of IBST

 G6 Carly, Maile, Seraphina, Viswan
 G5 Andrew, Elizabeth, Mobin, Renee

Many Congratulations to these students.
We want to thank everyone for their excellent effort in participating at the 2023 IBST Reader Theater Try-Out. Many thanks *especially* to all judges for their excellent job.

If you do not see your name on the list - do not despair yet! Bear in mind that if you are in Grades 5 and below- you are still eligible to join next year's selection.

Lastly, well done to everyone for the excellent effort and please keep a close eye for further announcements.

Jing Wang



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