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Activities 謝宜珊 - Activities | 2024-07-02 | Count: 711


1. 2024-2025 1st semester IBST After School Club Accepted List is as follows.
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 IBST Roster  (雙語部社團錄取名單)
Elementary Roster (國小部社團錄取名單)

2. The decision on whether to offer IBST G1-G2 clubs will be made after the second admission exam (8/21). If the number of new student registrations for the clubs reaches 9 or more, the mentioned clubs will be established.

(1) 週一 低年級文學電影社 Mon G1-G2 Film as Literature Club
週四 低年級迷你網球社 Thu G1-G2 Mini Tennis Club

週五 低年級美術DIY Fri G1-G2 Art DIY

3. IBST After school clubs will begin from August 30th, 2024 to January 17th, 2025. No after school clubs on the National holidays, Sports Day and make-up school days.
113 學年度第1學期雙語部課後社團上課日為 113.8.30()~114.1.17()止。國定假日、運動會及補課日不上課後社團。)

4. No club transfer or refund for club cancellation after Friday, September 13th, 2024.
社團開始上課第三週起 (2024913),恕不退()社、不退費。

5. Elementary Department students should gather at the Ocean Square in the Elementary Department for the first session and will be led to the classroom by the instructor. IBST students should go to the location directly.

6. Please note that modification may be made and posted on the IBST website.

7. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sandy at (06)505-2916#7108 or Email to “”
如果疑問,請電洽雙語部生輔組謝組長,(06)505-2916#7108Email “



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