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Activities 謝宜珊 - Activities | 2025-01-08 | Count: 79


International Bilingual School at Tainan-Science-Park

Students’ Vehicles Management Guidelines

Approved at the Administrative Supervisors Meeting on January 7, 2025


The guidelines aim to ensure campus order and student safety while riding motorcycles, electric motorcycles, electric bicycles, or bicycles to school. They also seek to minimize traffic accidents and foster good habits among students.

二、申請時間及對象Application Period and Eligibility

() 學生騎乘自行車應事先填寫附表一申請表(附表1),請依指定地點停放。
: Students must submit the application form (Form 1) in advance and park at the permitted campus zones.

() 國高中年段學生騎乘機車、電動機車、電動自行車:
Motorcycles, Electric Motorcycles, and Electric Bicycles (Middle and High School Students):

    1. 每學期開學後兩週內開放申請
      Applications are open within two weeks after the start of each semester.
    2. 經申請審查合格之學生製通行證後方得停放
      Students with approved applications will receive a parking permit.
    3. 申請期間如申請停放車輛數超過停車格數,則由總務主任、雙語部主任、生輔組長及相關人員審查,通過得以辦理申請。
      If the number of applications exceeds the parking spaces available, a review will be conducted by the General Affairs Director, IBST Director, IBST Disciplinarian, and responsible staff to determine approval.

Eligibility for Parking Motorcycles, Electric Motorcycles, and Electric Bicycles

() 電動自行車Electric Bicycles

    1. 符合本辦法第二條實施對象之滿14歲以上高中及國中年段學生High school and middle school students aged 14 or older meeting the guidelines in Section 2.
    2. 檢驗合格之電動自行車(須於車身明顯處張貼交通部審驗合格標籤),持有行車執照。
      Must be certified (with a Ministry of Transportation approval label visibly displayed) and have a registration certificate.
    3. 有效期間三十日以上之強制保險證。
      Valid mandatory insurance of at least 30 days.
    4. 禁止擅自變更電子控制裝置或原有規格。
      No unauthorized modifications to electronic controls or original specifications.
    5. 行駛速率不得超過每小時25公里。
      Speed must not exceed 25 km/h.
    6. 均需佩戴合格機車用安全帽,依法不得雙載。
      Riders must wear certified helmets and cannot carry passengers by law.
    7. 填寫附表二申請表(家長須親筆簽名)。
      Submit the application form (Form 2) with a parent’s signature.

() 排氣量 150cc(含)以下機車、電動機車:
Motorcycles and Electric Motorcycles (150cc or less):

    1. 符合本辦法第二條實施對象之高中年段學生
      High school students meeting the guidelines in Section 2.
    2. 凡年滿18歲且持有機車個人之行車執照及駕駛執照。
      Must be 18 years or older with a valid driver's license and vehicle registration.
    3. 有效期間三十日以上之強制保險證。
      Valid mandatory insurance of at least 30 days.
    4. 禁止擅自變更電子控制裝置或原有規格。
      No unauthorized modifications to electronic controls or original specifications.
    5. 均需佩戴合格機車用安全帽。
      Riders must wear certified motorcycle helmets.
    6. 不得雙載,如有特殊需求專案申請。
      No passengers allowed unless with special approval.
    7. 填寫附表三及四申請表(家長須親筆簽名)。
      Submit the application form (Form 3 and 4) with a parent’s signature.

四、管理規範Management Regulations

() 騎乘車輛請依規定位置停放。
Park vehicles in designated areas according to regulations.   

  1. 騎乘機車、電動機車、電動自行車者須將本校「識別貼紙通行證」統一黏貼於車牌左上角明顯可見處。
    Affix the school-issued “ Parking Permit Sticker ” to the top left of the license plate.
  2. 車輛進出入校區統一由本校規定之動線出入,進入校區後依校內速限慢行至停車棚,依規定停放車輛並保持停放整齊環境清潔。
    Enter and exit the campus through designated routes, maintain slow speeds within campus, and park vehicles neatly in the parking area, keeping the environment clean.
  3. 為維護核准停放學生之權益,本校管理權責單位定時或不定時前往停車棚巡查管理。
    The school reserves the right to regularly or randomly inspect parking areas to ensure compliance.
  4. 校園內騎乘僅開放上、放學時校門口至停放專區之區間 (入校注意車速及行人),其餘時間及場地均不得騎乘。
    Riding within the campus is restricted to the route between the school gate and the parking area during arrival and dismissal times. No riding is allowed in other areas or at other times.
  5. 禁止有危險騎乘、雙載、疾駛、嬉鬧或蛇行等行為。
    Dangerous riding, carrying passengers, speeding, playing around, or swerving is prohibited.
  6. 學生騎乘車輛均須配戴安全帽,通學期間車輛不得外借或附載他人。
    Students must wear helmets while riding. Vehicles may not be loaned to others or used to carry passengers during commutes.
  7. 本校停車空間僅提供停車位置,不負保管責任;對於車輛之財物及重要物品,車輛使用人或所有人應自行妥善保管,如發生任何損壞或遺失情事均由學生自行負責。
    The school provides parking spaces only and does not take responsibility for vehicle safety. Students must safeguard their belongings. Any damage or loss is the student’s responsibility.
  8. 本校可能因教育政策、校務發展、工程施作等因素而停止車輛停放,不得異議。
    Parking privileges may be revoked due to policy changes, campus development, or construction without objection.


五、違規處理Violations and Penalties

() 無照騎乘機車、電動機車,小過乙次。
Riding without a license: Minor demerit.

() 騎乘改造機車、改造電動機車、無合格標章之電動自行車者,小過乙次。
Riding modified vehicles or uncertified electric bicycles: Minor demerit.

() 校園內騎乘僅開放上、放學時校門口至停放專區之區間,違者警告兩次。
Riding outside permitted campus zones: Two warnings.
() 騎乘機車、電動機車、電動自行車未依本辦法申請核准者不得入校停放,違者警告乙次。
Parking without an approved permit: One warning.
() 騎乘車輛未戴安全帽,初次予以口頭警告,再犯者警告乙次。
Riding without a helmet: Verbal warning for the first offense, subsequent offenses: One warning.
() 車輛未依規定停放、機車、電動機車、電動自行車未張貼本校「識別貼紙通行證」,初次予以口頭警告,再犯者取銷入校停放資格,並記警告乙次。
Improper parking or failing to display the parking permit: Verbal warning for the first offense, subsequent offenses: Revocation of parking privileges and one warning.

These guidelines are effective upon approval by the Administrative Supervisors Meeting and signed by the Principal. Amendments will follow the same procedure.



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