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Academic 王虹晶 - Academic | 2025-02-04 | Count: 119

Dear IBST,

Welcome back! Below is the schedule for the upcoming term along with some important notices. Please take a moment to review the information carefully.

G1    G2      G3    G4      G5.v1      G6.v1
G7    G8      G9     G10    G11.v1    G12.v2

Please note that the class schedule may be subject to slight adjustments. There have been many changes across all grade levels, so be sure to stay updated on this semester’s adjustments.


Important Date:

  1. School Opening Ceremony: The 2nd semester will officially begin with an opening ceremony on Feb. 5th (Wednesday). All students are required to attend.

  2. Parent-Teacher Conference: A parent-teacher conference will be held on Febuaray 18th (Tuesday) 4 pm- 6pm. Please ensure that you schedule an appointment with your child’s homeroom teacher.

  3. No School Day
    National Holiday: April 3rd(Thursday) & 4th(Friday), Dragon Boat Festival: May 30th(Friday)
    Make-up Holiday: April. 21th (Monday) to April 24th (Thursday).

  4. Term Exam Date
     Q3 G1-6    Term Week: April. 14th(Mon.)- April. 18th(Fri.)
           G7-12  Term Date: April. 16th(Wed.)-April. 17th(Thur.)

     Q4  G1-6   Term Week: June. 23th(Mon.) - June. 27th (Fri.)
           G7-12  Term Date: June. 26th(Thur.) - June. 27th (Fri.)
  5. 2nd semester Closing Ceremony: June. 30th (Monday)

Detail please check IBST Calendar 

Looking forward to a productive and enjoyable term!



Jing Wang



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