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Activities 謝宜珊 - Activities | 2022-12-15 | Count: 534

Dear all IBST parents and students:
We are glad to announce that IBST will be hosting the annual Christmas Party on Friday, December 23rd from 12:40 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This year’s party would remain hosted in the high school gym, along with a talent show, a gift exchange activity and a potluck party. 

If you or your kids wish to participate in the talent show, please sign-up on the google forms, or submit the physical form to the homeroom teachers (a printed copy will be handed out).

Sign-up form for Christmas Party

In addition to the performance, we will have a potluck party after the performances. Parents are welcomed to bring in food for everybody. If you will be bringing in food, please fill out section 2 of the form attached below so we can arrange accordingly. 

*Please MAKE SURE Ms. Sandy know if the food/dishes you are bringing have peanut ingredients since some students have serious allergies.

Last but not the least, we have a gift exchange activity. If you or your child(ren) are interested in participating, please bring the gift on 23rd to the party(gym) directly. See more details in the attachments.

Disciplinarian  • Sandy Hsieh
Student helpers • G11 Patty, Jasmine, Curtis, and Tim 




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