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Important 謝宜珊 - News | 2023-06-02 | Count: 863


NNKIEH IBST & Elementary Dept. 2023-2024 1st Semester After-school Club Online Registration
南科實中雙語部&國小部 112 學年度第一學期課後社團網路報名相關事宜(2023/8/30~2024/1/18)

Online Registration: June 16th (20:00 pm) to June 20th (20:00 pm), 2023.  
The results of registration can be viewed on the registration web page and will be posted on the school website by June 30th, 2023.
※網路報名期間為 2023 年 6 月 16 日(20:00 pm)至 6 月 20 日(20:00 pm)。 2023 年 6 月 30 日 17:00pm 以前公告課後社團錄取名單。

Download: Revised-112S1 IBST After-school Club Online Registration 112S1 雙語部課後社團簡章
Download: 112S1 Elementary Dept. After-school Club Online Registration 112S1 國小部課後社團簡章

 Please note:
1. Note the time for Online Registration. Late application might not be accepted due to limited spots for each club. 

2. If your child do not have a Taiwanese ID, please enter the ARC number. If your child has updated ARC number recently and if the newly updated ARC number doesn't work, please try the old ARC number. If this should happen, please let Ms. Sandy know the most updated ARC number so the information can be updated for the registration website.

3. IBST G1-G2 students can only sign up for IBST clubs. Elementary G1-G2 clubs only opens to Elementary dept students due to Elementary Dept. policy. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Sandy at (06)505-2916#7108 or at
如有疑問,請洽雙語部謝組長,分機 7108 。



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