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Important 林勉豪 - News | 2023-06-07 | Count: 610

IBST In-School Clubs are for students from Grade 7 to 12 and are an integral part of the curriculum. These clubs take place during the 6th and 7th periods on Fridays. The available clubs may vary each school year depending on student interest.

1. New Club Establishment Policy
(1) Students from grade 10 to grade 12 are allowed to create the new In-School Clubs.
(2) Students must find a teacher as the club supervisor.
(3) Filled in the New Club Establishment Application From.
(4) Get 10 signatures from students who are interested in the new club.

2. Club Selection
(1) Students select their club for the entire school year by filling out the Club Survey Form.
(2) Students are allowed to switch clubs during the first two weeks of the 1st semester and the first two weeks of the 2nd semester by filling the
Club Switching Form.
(3) Each club requires a minimum of five students to operate.

Deadline of turning the form is Aug 31st.

IBST In-School Club Policy and Club Description

Friday Club Survey



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