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Guidance 謝宜珊 - Guidance | 2023-06-09 | Count: 1136


Dear parents,

Today, we have experienced a tragic incident at our school that has left both teachers and students deeply saddened and grieving. This morning (June 9th), there was an unfortunate incident involving a teacher falling from a building in the elementary department. Immediate medical assistance was provided, but unfortunately, the teacher could not be saved at An Nan Hospital in Tainan City.

Following this incident, our school has arranged specialized counselors to provide support to the students and staff who witnessed the event. We will also continue to monitor the students' well-being and provide small group counseling sessions to help them cope with the stress. We kindly request parents to pay close attention to your children's emotional status at home, and if additional counseling support is needed, please feel free to contact the homeroom teacher or counseling office.

       本校發生一件令師生非常遺憾與不捨的事情。今天( 6 月 9 日)上午國小部發生教師意外墜樓事件,緊急送台南市安南醫院急救無效。後續,校方已安排專輔人員入班對目睹事件師生進行安心輔導,我們亦將持續觀察學生狀況進行小團體減壓輔導。請家長在家多注意小朋友的狀況,如需加強關懷,可與導師或輔導室聯絡。



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